
  1. A

    wheres all the frogs?

    I'm brand new here, currently living in twenty nine palms and I've been doing some research on frog gigging, shooting them with .22, etc.... The only issue I'm having is out of all the lakes I've been to in my area I have never seen a single frog! Just wondering if anyonoe knows a lake or pond...
  2. surfcity


    Hello Everyone! Gonna be heading the Henshaw to do some fishing with my two Autistic boys. We have done some fishing before but not a Henshaw and its been a long time. Getting them out of the house can be a challenge so I picked Henshaw so I could rent a cabin and make sure they have a place...
  3. Paul D

    New to the area

    Hey guys and gals, I’m new to the area (stationed on Camp Pendleton) and am an avid outdoorsman. Mainly waterfowl hunting but also love to get out on the pond and find some big bass. I’d love to be able to get in touch with people who would like an addition to their hunting fishing group for...
  4. Bonejour

    2017-18 Sport (Salt and Freshwater) Fishing Regs Booklets Delayed

    Regs are posted online but the booklets won't be out till early April.