Scent Control

A few things have changes since Saxton Pope wrote that article about Ishi. Ishi didn't sit around all day in his Lazyboy eating Cheetos. He didn't live in a house and smoke cigars. He didn't shower and use Axe manwash. California FW wasn't formed yet and he and his buddies were the only guys hunting that deer creek unit. Sooo... the deer weren't very keen to the Primos boys. When I talked to Ishi he told me to stay down wind... it works. Ed F
A few things have changes since Saxton Pope wrote that article about Ishi. Ishi didn't sit around all day in his Lazyboy eating Cheetos. He didn't live in a house and smoke cigars. He didn't shower and use Axe manwash. California FW wasn't formed yet and he and his buddies were the only guys hunting that deer creek unit. Sooo... the deer weren't very keen to the Primos boys. When I talked to Ishi he told me to stay down wind... it works. Ed F
LOL ya ROFL, no he didn't, but he was one with forest. and he wasn't only but he was one of the last ones....
some boys just have their mind made up, no changing it and that's ok , ED F because you are an accomplished Bowman and Ishi would be proud of you...
you have the trophy's to prove it.. no doubt, but my ancestors were not into trophy's they were after food. and knew how to get it... for centuries..
have a good night all , I will be dreaming about the woods.. Play the wind, be like the rest of the forest, if you read my link complete you will see..
be one with the forest , and get really close, and touch their nose. lol
In my zipper bag that has my snacks I'll snap off a lil 3-4 inch sprig of the Rosemary in the planter out front and throw that in there before putting it in the pack. I put the wrappers back in that bag after eating the snacks so I figure need to combat the sweet smells this would cause in there.

My garage has way too much stuff in it (pool chemicals like Chlorine tabs, paint cans, MTB chain lube, parts cleaner, etc) so I also will run the Ozone generator to make sure no VOC residues are on the garments. If possible I like to leave the clothes outside for 2 days and nights prior to hunting so they pick up the scent of going thru some dew cycles. And, my nose can smell that difference, where a lot of peoples can't.

I also start paying attention to what I'll eat before hunts come up, mostly because I know there's a lot of foods my body doesn't like that will make going #2 not as quick and clean and simple as you'd want it to be out there. So leading up to it I'm making sure to use lotta MetaMucil and stuff like that to start out as clear as I possibly can be.

DEFINITELY recommend getting a Peets Boot Dryer! I could never get the inside of the boots to smell all the way clean when drying just in the sun. When I'd stuff my nose in there I could always detect that wet smell and/or leftover human odor. Ever since started using the Peets Boot Dryer after hosing them out inside... the next day, stick my nose deep inside, smells fine. Just the scent of the materials used in construction.

About 1000yrds back from my sit spot.. during hike-in I change out the shirt I hiked-in with, for another fresh one. And leave the sweatied-up shirt hidden back at that spot so not carrying that odor in with me. Brush my teeth one last time at that spot too. Then put in a spearmint Extra gum (Chicklet-style) gum into my mouth. Usually by the time I arrive at the spot all that hard sugar alcohol coating is broken-down and soft before I get to the spot. I use that because I have this one spot on my gums that has recession and bleeds way to easily from brushing. And there's only one other thing that scares off deer like the smell of fresh blood, and that's dog scent. I've seen first hand deer reacting to the smell of a freshly killed rabbit laying at my feet once they got down wind of me. So figure taek no changes of them smelling that little bit of blood on the gums right there.

I don't really put on any sunblock any more. Because on my sit I'm completely covered up. Just my eye portal area is exposed directly. This has worked great for the insects. The ThermaCell never really totally did the trick for me. Also ya figure a face hood will help contain your exhales breath-wise so they expel into a smaller diameter region. Definitely makes a difference visually in terms of exhaling and seeing breath vapor clouds.

This week I gotta wash/clean out my truck and get out all the dander from my two small dogs. Especially since they are 13yo and one "leaks" a lot now. And I spray Nature's Miracle Urine Removal Spray, which is same as Scent Blocker, but it has a scent added to it. And then I put that Ozone unit and run it for 30min in the truck afterward. To kill that scent additive. That Ozone Generator does a great job. It's meant to handle a garage-sized room. So it's overkill within the truck. But I need that with the dogs and their fur that I don't catch or see.

Then I don't let em back inside the truck until after the season is completely over.

If need be, re-wash gun-wraps, dry outside, then re-apply. For S & G happen to use a Dead Down wind Gun Oil, because to my nose the other lubes smell very strong, such as CLP and the Lucas oil one. For sure that'd spook a deer, no question about it.

Also to help fight against swamp-a$$ I use Monkey-Butt powder. It has somewhat of a scent, but I figure that scent is a thousand times better then sweaty BoZac and ass-crack. But I make sure to thoroughly wash my hand to get that smell of the powder off it. Use Dead Down Wind deodorant. Use it everyday in fact, because I liked it that much and was impressed by its effectiveness. And it doesn't clog my pores in the pits area, which was often a problem with other ones.

I make sure to clipper off armpit hair, and shave my head with clippers often. Before and During the season. Hair hangs on to smells, Big Time! My nose for sure has taught me that.

I also make sure to wash my wristwatch and it's band, those hang on to tons of epithelial cells and sweat and oils. People often forget doing this. Also don't neglect to wash your pants belt. You probably sweat the most where that thing goes around your waste, so for sure it'll hold on to your scent odors. Been using those Cabelas T-Buckles. They wash easily in the machine and are infinitely adjustable. I like em, where em all the time.

EDIT: Also re-food you eat. On something I watched it said the Native American Indians would not eat Fish for at least a week before a hunt, on purpose. So it's not in their scent.
Addendum....i actually just read this whole post...and i hate myself for doing so. So much ive missed over the years regarding scent control ,again, it takes a village...its all becone crystal clear now...
Addendum....i actually just read this whole post...and i hate myself for doing so. So much ive missed over the years regarding scent control ,again, it takes a village...its all becone crystal clear now...

Maybe you can put one of those Ozonics machines on the exhaust of your truck? Could help?
And that why Larry is a killer!! Well done Larry!

Knowing you, you're probably joking and poking fun when you say that.. but hey... All I know is... I DID make it happen with a Bow... from the ground... with only 3 years experience under my belt in hunting, much less than that with Bow... in one of thee lowest success rate zones in the Entire State. While it's *possible* that stringent scent protocols didn't help... I feel confident in asserting that it did. Especially with the incident I had with the bigger buck the day before and the Mexican standoff at 10yards for a good number of seconds while I held still standing up, not moving. Hoping he'd turning his head back around in front and saunter off... rather then looking over his shoulder back my direction wondering what the hell I was (Leafy Gear, so ya know). That was after missing on him twice already (which was inexcusable on my part). But yeah... for sure the only damn reason he remained there for so long was my freezing/holding-still skills and the scent control protocol. Then finally he got a clear and direct whiff of me and decided it was time to bounce.

And in response to @Aeon, I don't always do all the scent protocols like wash inside the car when it's not deer. But dang near all the other stuff I do every single time. EVery time I come back I rinse my pack, rinse my boots, wash my gear with the right kind of detergents without scent and without UV Blocking stuff... air dry them... Ozone zap them. Bath just before leaving that AM with the Scent Control Bar Soap. etc etc.

And why? Because I know damn well I'm not as good as you guys yet. So I gotta do all I can to stack the odds in my favor.

I just need to get me.. and the game.. in a direct line of sight with each other... I can handle the rest from there. Haven't missed yet with a rifle. Well.. there was that one time when I pierced that Rabbits ear with the .17 HMR, but technically that was still a hit, HaHA!

There was one time before I didn't do the things like spray down the clothes... where I had a deer that was creeping on up to my sit location... but was on the other side of a lot of thick vegetation.. however.. at that time of the day... the barely moving wind was indeed blowing towards the direction its body was coming from.

I had to sit their agonizing... as the footsteps slowed down... as they neared the opening I'd manicured thru the vegetation multiple weeks beforehand... wait in the silence... hoping to hear that footsteps pick back up again and continue on their present course... only to be let down after a solid minute of waiting with the .30-30 in my hands at the ready and pointed at the opening... to then hear the footsteps slowly turn around and go back from whence they came. Mellow, in no rush.

So that day... is the one that made me think... could I have pulled it off if I'd have sprayed-down the clothes that day? I will never know... but I do know that if every time from now on I do that, then that can't be the issue that blew it for me anymore.

Ya figure you wait all damned year for the opportunity right? What's another few bucks just to know for sure you're minding your P's and Q's in terms of attention to details?

Anyhoo... hopefully in the years to come I can start adding more locations to the repertoire and hopefully they will include different terrain types then this thick spot, so I can get it done from farther away distances, and not have to fuss with all that rigimarole as much.
Knowing you, you're probably joking and poking fun when you say that.. but hey... All I know is... I DID make it happen with a Bow... from the ground... with only 3 years experience under my belt in hunting, much less than that with Bow... in one of thee lowest success rate zones in the Entire State. While it's *possible* that stringent scent protocols didn't help... I feel confident in asserting that it did. Especially with the incident I had with the bigger buck the day before and the Mexican standoff at 10yards for a good number of seconds while I held still standing up, not moving. Hoping he'd turning his head back around in front and saunter off... rather then looking over his shoulder back my direction wondering what the hell I was (Leafy Gear, so ya know). That was after missing on him twice already (which was inexcusable on my part). But yeah... for sure the only damn reason he remained there for so long was my freezing/holding-still skills and the scent control protocol. Then finally he got a clear and direct whiff of me and decided it was time to bounce.

And in response to @Aeon, I don't always do all the scent protocols like wash inside the car when it's not deer. But dang near all the other stuff I do every single time. EVery time I come back I rinse my pack, rinse my boots, wash my gear with the right kind of detergents without scent and without UV Blocking stuff... air dry them... Ozone zap them. Bath just before leaving that AM with the Scent Control Bar Soap. etc etc.

And why? Because I know damn well I'm not as good as you guys yet. So I gotta do all I can to stack the odds in my favor.

I just need to get me.. and the game.. in a direct line of sight with each other... I can handle the rest from there. Haven't missed yet with a rifle. Well.. there was that one time when I pierced that Rabbits ear with the .17 HMR, but technically that was still a hit, HaHA!

There was one time before I didn't do the things like spray down the clothes... where I had a deer that was creeping on up to my sit location... but was on the other side of a lot of thick vegetation.. however.. at that time of the day... the barely moving wind was indeed blowing towards the direction its body was coming from.

I had to sit their agonizing... as the footsteps slowed down... as they neared the opening I'd manicured thru the vegetation multiple weeks beforehand... wait in the silence... hoping to hear that footsteps pick back up again and continue on their present course... only to be let down after a solid minute of waiting with the .30-30 in my hands at the ready and pointed at the opening... to then hear the footsteps slowly turn around and go back from whence they came. Mellow, in no rush.

So that day... is the one that made me think... could I have pulled it off if I'd have sprayed-down the clothes that day? I will never know... but I do know that if every time from now on I do that, then that can't be the issue that blew it for me anymore.

Ya figure you wait all damned year for the opportunity right? What's another few bucks just to know for sure you're minding your P's and Q's in terms of attention to details?

Anyhoo... hopefully in the years to come I can start adding more locations to the repertoire and hopefully they will include different terrain types then this thick spot, so I can get it done from farther away distances, and not have to fuss with all that rigimarole as much.
Nice write up.....
The problem I see is narcissistic attitudes. & Rhetorical questions.

Who cares , different strokes for different folks..
Won't matter soon any way.
Hunting will be prohibited... Soon
I put my clothes on bucketck with ozone for 2 or 3 hours before go hunt , also use some code blue shampoo night before and play the wind , never have a problem I saw tons of deers while hunting , the most common problem is the the noise when we walk , the leaves from oaks crush all the time while walking to the treestand .
Why write a novel to every response?

You sure know how to

Some of us.. especially those of us who didn't grow up in hunting families... appreciate those good folks who take the time to be detailed in their responses when asked questions.

You should try it some time. It's actually a better way to be as it lessens the need for follow up questions, since you provided all pertinent details right up front.

Besides... some of us have typed more words in just one year of our lives that you ever will in the entirety of your own. So for us.. it's like nothing to rattle off a pageful of text. We can do it almost as fast we we can speak.
Some of us.. especially those of us who didn't grow up in hunting families... appreciate those good folks who take the time to be detailed in their responses when asked questions.

You should try it some time. It's actually a better way to be as it lessens the need for follow up questions, since you provided all pertinent details right up front.

Besides... some of us have typed more words in just one year of our lives that you ever will in the entirety of your own. So for us.. it's like nothing to rattle off a pageful of text. We can do it almost as fast we we can speak.
Have you never noticed how when a smoker walks past you after having just lit up.. that smell then sticks onto your hair and your clothing?

Likewise it stands to reason that a little preventative scent control could prevent scents from you from sticking onto the vegetation as you pass by it as you move thru the area. No sense in tipping them off before they've even got near you.

Oh wait... I forgot.. you guys never get out of the truck... right.. my bad.

I just take it as part of your personality...Just like people who talk a lot and ask a lot of questions....It CAN be annoying, but that's how you/people learn....For the most part, pretty entertaining and this forum provide that as well....;)

ps....Damn, I'm getting soft in my old age.... :joy:

“It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt....Mark Twain
Hmmph... interesting... see I was taught the Golden Rule. "Do onto others, as you would have them do onto you."

Y'all (SPrig you'r actually pretty good at not doing it, so thank you) love to sit around all day and just put people down that don't fit into your mold. Never missing an opportunity to get in a jab whenever you can. Then you go and wonder why new hunter participation is falling off. Psssh. SMDH
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