1/11/14 at henshaw


Slow day over all. Reuben said he saw around 6 groups get skunked. The weather was absolutely perfect for fishing but didnt help much for getting the birds to fly.
Hunting here was a lot different then hunting San J, the birds are not as forgiving of mistakes as they are at San J. I got skunked on birds but picked up a hell of an education so i would say it was worth it.
Stay with it. You will get em' next time!
Right now the best way to get the birds to decoy is to use full bodied decoys (wigeon, sprigs, and a couple mallards). Only use the spinning wing for the first hour or two and use the coots to your advantage. My last few limits were made by using coot decoys, full body wigeon and sprig decoys, wigeon, gaddy, spoonie, GW floaters, and honker shells all around my layout blind. Oh and hunt where there's food, look for water draining into the lake and look for bullrush. That's been my ticket for success at the shaw lately.
I stopped hunting there after they kicked me off the lake. I was hunting out of my layout in the middle of the lake.......said the boat was too small. Had a stringer of deks hooked to the boat. Just killed them that way. It also helped keep the birds moving. There was a lot more water in the lake back then too.

Good luck. I know guys who are pretty hush about the birds there.
I live a few minutes away from the lake. Lots of politics and attitude involved in hunting there, Its not for me don't need that crap.