250 million designated for salton sea

I don't think that amounts to a good down payment to clean up that mess. And that's just to do a study on all the other studies which have been done. Kind of like having a meeting to discuss up coming meetings.
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Somebodys future president want to put an I did something mark on his list of 'What I've done".
I hope so. The stories I've heard about that place from back in the day made it sound like paradise.

Who has some pics they want to share? @ilovesprig


It was a great place to hunt and fish...I have no idea why I have no corvina fishing pix...But, I do have a lot of waterfowl pix.

The Sea when it was maxed out was when it was best IMO...Many times the corvina were right around the duck blinds...The New and Alamo Rivers had tons of places to launch along with Red Hill Marina...There were blinds right off of Davis Rd...Two Squares at the end of Davis was spoony haven...So many public spots it was unbelievable.

Snow goose hunting really took off in the middle 70's and early 80's (limit 6, then 3)...Before that it was all about honkers...Even though we were only allowed one.

It was a great era for 'fowlers back then.

ps...Did I mention you were allowed 7 sprig.............. :blush:

.Wister 1983.jpgold pix wister 1972.JPGWister 1975 dfg.jpg043.JPG047.JPG013.JPG042.JPG041.JPG
Sounds like from the article they are going to cut back the water going to the sea as long as they cant get hit with the pollution the increased exposed lakebed will produce as long as that water stays in the Colorado river. I don't see how it is going to help the situation, just going to make it so that no one is liable when they make it worse.
Reading the article this agreements frees IID from liability when they drain the sea, which is going to accelerate. Although not specifically mentioned, I see much of this money used like the sh&& show at the new river. Basically building brackish marsh to cover the exposed toxic sea bed.
Does anyone remember "Sunshine George"? The corbina King.

I sold many a mudsucker to George and Lucky...Good guys...Great fishery.

ps...There was only one viable way to save the Salton Sea, drop the salt level, and keep the sea at least at it's current level...And, that was the pipeline from the Sea of Cortez...With lithium the big ticket item, it will never happen...Like has been mentioned, IID will try and save their bacon by putting a series of ponds in the current lake bed to the toxic dust down...It will do nothing or very little for sportsman...Check out Owens Dry Lake sometime...I see a similar program.
I see nothing happening to restore the sea. Too much money involved with lithium with Buffet and the greenies involved. IMO lithium is not the answer to ev batteries anyways. In today standard that is already old technology and does not meet the needs of ev vehicles for the masses.
I think that's exactly right Steve. Owens is the model they will try to copy. Has anyone looked recently at the south end work? Last time I was there they had a huge crane on that mile long dike moving dirt. I will say it is impressive the amount of equipment and the pace they work.
After all these years, I still see no political will to save the Sea today. According to the politicians, the costs to save it, exceed the perceived benefits. This State really doesn't want to support anything to do with Hunting related, but they will happily keep taking our money and raising fees for licenses and tags. Regretfully, CA Fish n Game is managed mostly with Government Anti's, and the Greenies won't cough up a dime either. They are all talk, no walk and anti-everything. I suspect the Sea will continue to dry up, as the State continues studies and while the Migratory and Wildfowl birds pass by the mudhole, on into Mexico.

I used to freelance the Sea with a buddy, back in the early 90's, near Pound Rd. Even then, it was pretty epic, easily shooting limits before 9am with a Rem 870 and 2 3/4" shells. Tons of effort to get down there by 2:30am, cut bamboo, launch the mud boat and push it 200 yards out to the sand bar and set up. We'd deploy 7-9 dozen dekes, make a bamboo hide around the boat, just in time for first cup of coffee, before shooting light. Once the first shots were fired, the war was ON! Hahahahaa....limits to be had of Spooners, GWT, Pinners and the occasional Greenhead, Can or Redhead. Lots of fun and good memories. Eventually, the fringe area where we hunted dried-up and turned to slop mud, making it impossible to hunt anymore.

.....And after the regulations changed from Lead to Steel Only, we had FnG blow into our dekoy spread with their new airboat toy at 7am, just to check us for Lead Shot. We were clean of course, but they blew our dekes all over, wrecked our blind and we lost premium hunting time.......Good times ;-)