"Do something...They're getting away"


Staff member
Hunted with my daughter Stefanie this morning...Little slow, but then we had a hen start yelping back to the Flydown slate...She made her way right to us...And when I say right to us, I mean right to us...10' and she's yelping like crazy...Paying no mind to the 3 DSD's down below her...After about 15 minutes of this, I hear a drum, then a strut...1st comes another hen, then 2 longs...The 2 hens join up, but the 2 toms go after the jake...Unfortunately, they are really close together and she can't shoot...Then the hens start taking them away from the jake and now they're 40+...Stef says, "Do something, they're getting away!"...I yelp on the diaphragm and they turn and gobble...It was his last one....18-2 lbs, 10" beard, 1/2 spurs....Solid 2 year old....ps...Did I mention I missed the 2nd one with my little .410...Should've just used her gun again...lol
