New Hunter in Cali


New Member
Mar 11, 2015
I'm a new user on this and a new Hunter to California. I had my bow sent out recently and heard there's some spots for some pig hunting I would like to get into if anyone would like to help me out with spots that would be awesome. Thanks!
Welcome to the site. You will find many great people and great stories. However you just asked a loaded question. Be prepared here it comes....
Welcome to the site Max. Aeon found a great spot last year. I'll see if I can find the thread. In the meantime read through all the sticky threads in the newbie den so you'll understand the teasing you're about to get. ;)
Here it is:

Welcome to SCH......And, I'll give it to you straight......Not many pigs down here......With that said, lots of other stuff to hunt with your bow and shotguns......Also, fishing here can be really good, both fresh & saltwater.
MaxTyler said:
I'm a new user on this and a new Hunter to California. I had my bow sent out recently and heard there's some spots for some pig hunting I would like to get into if anyone would like to help me out with spots that would be awesome. Thanks!

Welcome to the site max. #1 faux paux when making your first post on a hunting site is to lead into "show me the pig spots". It irks people. Not sure if where you come from if people just willingly hand out spots. There are too many hunters and too few spots for anyone around here to do that unless they're giving a handout.

Take the time to do your research, know your areas, scout around, make some conversation online. There are pigs on public land in almost every county in California but if someone told you "there's some spots for some pig hunting" I hope they were talking about private ranch hunts, because the public pigs are GHOSTS and incredibly hard to find. Lots of people on here see signs... read past posts and set a game plan. 99% of the questions you will have are in these posts.

Tell us more about yourself: Where you moved from. Past hunting experience. Etc...
...and for what it's worth, feel free to go check out behind the candy store for pigs, but look at the date of that post (April 1st). There were more internet trolls with guns behind the candy store on April 2nd than ever before (which is another reason people don't speak about specifics of locations). keep your spots as secret as you can. Definitely some dumb internet "sluths" on here and other sites who think it's cool to figure out exactly where you're hunting and blast it to the world or they just don't want to do the research and go hunt other people's spots.
8SteelTown said:
...and for what it's worth, feel free to go check out behind the candy store for pigs, but look at the date of that post (April 1st). There were more internet trolls with guns behind the candy store on April 2nd than ever before (which is another reason people don't speak about specifics of locations). keep your spots as secret as you can. Definitely some dumb internet "sluths" on here and other sites who think it's cool to figure out exactly where you're hunting and blast it to the world or they just don't want to do the research and go hunt other people's spots.
Ah the infamous Ortega Hwy pig.. can't wait to see what someone comes up with this year and the buzz it generates!

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