WTB Factory 300wm ammo boxes

communist state laws enacted which will be over turned by the Supreme Court after 20 years of going through court system and appeals. Like everything. Which state judges will put stays on to hold until final ruling of the highest court says it’s unconstitutional
Why do you need the boxes?
TSA rules state ammo needs to be in boxes. The rule is kinda vague but would rather play it safe. I only know one person who has had an issue with it. They took all his reloads on his way to a competition. He had to find some factory ammo when he got to the match.
Flying doesn’t have to be factory, needs to be approved container, wood plastic factory etc. you can fly reloads as long as proper container.
Been awhile since I read the laws but the last time I did it stated that ammo had to be transported in the packing it was produced and sold or which at that point in time meant commercially produced ammo. I think at the time the law was written that the legislators had no clue about hand loaded ammo. I'll clarify my knowledge of this- I used to work for Miwall ammo sales, You may remember them from the gun show days. I got to know Mike Walsh ( the owner of Miwall) very well over the the time I was there and he and I discussed at length many time's the efforts that the legislature tried to put him out of business. We had to be very careful about every aspect of how we sold ammo and presented it as well as answer questions. Not telling anyone what to do but a commercial ammo box regardless of caliber is a commercial ammo box.
Plastic reloading boxes are fine. They rarely even check your ammo.
I didn’t know about this law and flew to Texas with my ammo in my MTM plastic boxes I use for reloads and I was fine they never said a word.