Just out of curiosity, how did you find out about the SCH website?

Isn't a mudhen like a coot with a red bill? Or is a mudhen just a coot and I'm thinking of a moorhen? Dang I need to hunt something.. losing my mind
Re: Just out of Curiosity?

Scouring the Internet trying to find out information about hunting in Southern California, when I moved here earlier this year. I am glad I came across this great site!
Hi Ajsnak,

I found out about this website watching a video on YouTube which in turn turned me on to the Ridge2Ridge podcast which is where I first heard about this site. Lots of good information here for a new Hunter like myself in San Diego. Being from Oceanside, I could really find out much about hunting D16 until now! Very happy to have stumbled on to here and have talked to some cool people on here so far. Good luck this season!
Searching online for San Diego hunting resources. Loving this site! Lots of useful info and a very cool community.