Water Bladders vs Nalgene

Water Bladder or Water Bottle

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I carry a bladder for my normal drinking water and a nalgene for electrolyte mixes or drinking around my camp. I find it more convinent when I backpack to have a bottle to drink out of at camp then carring around a bladder, but when I’m actually hiking a bladder is more convenient since I’m always using trekking poles
I know this thread is a bit dated, and you probably made your decision already, but like others, I too like a combo of both.

The bladder is hard to beat when it comes to being up and moving. Instead of setting down your pack, opening it (or reaching around), pulling out a bottle, drinking, replacing bottle, remounting pack, and walking again, you can just grab the tube, sip, and keep moving. A 3L bladder should last for most hikes, and if you need more, carry a nalgene and refill the bladder if/when it runs dry.

However, the bladder is pretty unwieldy around camp, as you may be more often bending, twisting, and moving in ways other than just straight. We all know that awkward reach you do to keep a backpack on while reaching down, same with a bladder.

Bottles in camp, bladders on the trail.
This is a good thread. I have been using a bladder for decades (I like the Platypus). I went to nalgene this season in the D16 because my bladder didn't get cleaned last time I used it. I really liked the nalgene bottles but missed the convenience of drinking on the go. I think moving forward, I will downsize my bladder and run nalgene inside my pack. I learn something every season!
This is a good thread. I have been using a bladder for decades (I like the Platypus). I went to nalgene this season in the D16 because my bladder didn't get cleaned last time I used it. I really liked the nalgene bottles but missed the convenience of drinking on the go. I think moving forward, I will downsize my bladder and run nalgene inside my pack. I learn something every season!
I think a big part of this debate began when the bladders were more....standalone type things. You had to put on the bladder, then put your pack over it, causing friction and tears eventually. Nowadays, any pack made for hiking, camping, or hunting has a slot designed specifically for the bladder with a hole for the hose. Once that became commonplace, the "bladder v bottle on the trail" debate basically came to an end.
This is a good thread. I have been using a bladder for decades (I like the Platypus). I went to nalgene this season in the D16 because my bladder didn't get cleaned last time I used it. I really liked the nalgene bottles but missed the convenience of drinking on the go. I think moving forward, I will downsize my bladder and run nalgene inside my pack. I learn something every season!
I have been back and forwards on this and now I am gonna go Nalgene only. Twice this season I was out of water because of bladder failures. Once I didn’t screw the platypus cap on all the way so it drained in my pack, my fault but it happened. Then on this last couse hunt we were 4 miles from the truck when I spotted a buck we stood up to make the stalk and I realized I had been sitting on the bladder hose and drained all 3 liters into the dirt under me. Me and the boys had to ration water for the next 6 hours. It was a thirsty hike back for sure.
bottles for me from now on.
I have been back and forwards on this and now I am gonna go Nalgene only. Twice this season I was out of water because of bladder failures. Once I didn’t screw the platypus cap on all the way so it drained in my pack, my fault but it happened. Then on this last couse hunt we were 4 miles from the truck when I spotted a buck we stood up to make the stalk and I realized I had been sitting on the bladder hose and drained all 3 liters into the dirt under me. Me and the boys had to ration water for the next 6 hours. It was a thirsty hike back for sure.
bottles for me from now on.
Im curious how the bladder worked out for you all the other times that it didnt fail due to user error. This sounds less like "bladder failure" and more like "whoops, I messed up"

Nalgenes, in my experience, can experience some of the same failure. Loose lids, cracked bottles (although this is pretty tough to do, but Ive done it) as well as unsecured bottles that get spilled while drinking or knocked off the side of a pack and down a gully.

Mainly playing devils advocate here, because while bladders arent perfect, neither are the bottles, they both have drawbacks and both have things they do superbly well, which is why I recommend carrying both
I have never had a bladder fail. I have had plenty of hoses freeze though. And I have had a bladder freeze up while in Montana. My next big game hunt will be for elk and I will try the combo.

When I was carrying nalgene this year and watching @Cali Ridge Runner drink out of his hose, I missed my bladder. I guess the next best thing would be a nalgene holster
Always an option.
I have never had a bladder fail. I have had plenty of hoses freeze though. And I have had a bladder freeze up while in Montana. My next big game hunt will be for elk and I will try the combo.

When I was carrying nalgene this year and watching @Cali Ridge Runner drink out of his hose, I missed my bladder. I guess the next best thing would be a nalgene holster
Always an option.
Unless you buy covered for extreme heat, or insulated for sub-freezing, I can definitely see the hose as a weak point in the bladder. All it would take is a small bit of exposed hose to give you either a mouthful of VERY hot water or no water at all because that shit is frozen solid where it sits. Nalgenes inside a backpack, out of the sun and away from the cold would be a major win in that case
Im curious how the bladder worked out for you all the other times that it didnt fail due to user error. This sounds less like "bladder failure" and more like "whoops, I messed up"

Nalgenes, in my experience, can experience some of the same failure. Loose lids, cracked bottles (although this is pretty tough to do, but Ive done it) as well as unsecured bottles that get spilled while drinking or knocked off the side of a pack and down a gully.

Mainly playing devils advocate here, because while bladders arent perfect, neither are the bottles, they both have drawbacks and both have things they do superbly well, which is why I recommend carrying both
Both totally my fault for sure. But when you have 2-3 nalgenes in the pack it’s much harder to run out of water. Plus after using both the past few seasons I enjoy drinking out of a nalgen more than I do sucking on a hose. The nalgenes seem to quench my thirst better if that makes sense. It is also easier to gauge how much water I have left with the bottles.
Both totally my fault for sure. But when you have 2-3 nalgenes in the pack it’s much harder to run out of water. Plus after using both the past few seasons I enjoy drinking out of a nalgen more than I do sucking on a hose. The nalgenes seem to quench my thirst better if that makes sense. It is also easier to gauge how much water I have left with the bottles.
Both some great points to consider. I have more of a limited experience in the outdoors than you do it seems, and these conversations help form my gear lists and opinions on gear as well. I fully understand the sucking vs gulping (heh...heh) as for thirst quenching, as well as the monitoring of intake and remaining water. I appreciate your outlook and your willingness to share your experiences
Side note I am liking the glow in the dark nalgenes they are easy to see in the tent etc. they don’t glow super bright but enough to see in the dark at close range.
also nalgene are much easier for pouring in the jetbloil and taking them in the tent etc. Bladders are kind of tied to your pack.
Nalgene Tritan Wide Mouth Glow 32 oz. Water Bottle - Green
I have an insulated hose but it still freezes. I also have a waterproof bladder hanger bag so if the bladder springs a leak it won't drench the contents of my pack.

@Truduct I totally get not liking sucking on a hose. Definitely not natural. ;) And drinking out of a bottle is easier, so I get the whole quenching your thirst thing. I found myself drinking more water with the the nalgene though. A good/bad result. I also ran one 32 ounce bottle with just water and one with an electrolyte additive. That is a plus.
Side note I am liking the glow in the dark nalgenes they are easy to see in the tent etc. they don’t glow super bright but enough to see in the dark at close range.
also nalgene are much easier for pouring in the jetbloil and taking them in the tent etc. Bladders are kind of tied to your pack.
Nalgene Tritan Wide Mouth Glow 32 oz. Water Bottle - Green

These sound pretty cool, I may have to get some glow in the dark bottles. I also agree that the bladders are better solely for out and about, with bottles being better for pouring. Also great to throw eggs in for easier, crack proof storage on the way to camp ;)
I have an insulated hose but it still freezes. I also have a waterproof bladder hanger bag so if the bladder springs a leak it won't drench the contents of my pack.

@Truduct I totally get not liking sucking on a hose. Definitely not natural. ;) And drinking out of a bottle is easier, so I get the whole quenching your thirst thing. I found myself drinking more water with the the nalgene though. A good/bad result. I also ran one 32 ounce bottle with just water and one with an electrolyte additive. That is a plus.
I do like the ease of adding mixes to bottles. I would be afraid of gumming up my hose with mixes that have sugar or stickyness added to them.
I have an insulated hose but it still freezes. I also have a waterproof bladder hanger bag so if the bladder springs a leak it won't drench the contents of my pack.

@Truduct I totally get not liking sucking on a hose. Definitely not natural. ;) And drinking out of a bottle is easier, so I get the whole quenching your thirst thing. I found myself drinking more water with the the nalgene though. A good/bad result. I also ran one 32 ounce bottle with just water and one with an electrolyte additive. That is a plus.
What are you adding? Liquid IV packets are game changers for sure.

another nalgene plus is that my MSR water pump screws onto a nalgene. I have a few 48oz Nalgene bottles as well but I like the 32oz the most.
I do use the liquid IV product but also incorporate some of the Mtn Ops products as well. Just depends on what the game plan is. A defenate plus for having a bottle.