2022 tuna charter

I'm not much of a "Big lake" fisherman...My question is, what's wrong with skip jack?...I used to catch bonito when they were in SoCal by the millions...My mom would pressure cook them and make "tuna" fish sandwiches or can it...Always thought it was good...Same with barries......:yum

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Deck hand told me when you buy canned tuna at the market it's all skipjack. I told him no, when you buy it it's skipjack, when I buy it (which I never do anymore) the can says albacore on it. Years back when I fished out of King harbor a lot, we would catch bonito and give it to the cook and he would cook it up on the grill and it was just fine but try to get it home and do something with it was another story. Thats something most of the boats don't do anymore, cook up some of the fish on the grill. Maybe it gives everything else a fish taste, I don't know.
Before you guys book check the moon phases...... I can't say it works but I can't say it doesn't for fish

Skippies are good raw just like bonies served right & fresh all good
I'm not much of a "Big lake" fisherman...My question is, what's wrong with skip jack?...I used to catch bonito when they were in SoCal by the millions...My mom would pressure cook them and make "tuna" fish sandwiches or can it...Always thought it was good...Same with barries......:yum

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Steve, From my experience skipjack like bonito and barries are fish that must be eaten immediatly. Skippies and bonito should be bled upon being caught and iced immediatly and then consumed as quickly as possible (never canned any so I can't speak to that). If you do that I have found them to be palitable and good. In my experience if you freeze any of these they are mush when you try to consume them later and the taste becomes stronger. If you buy canned tuna at the store that is labeled chunk light it is skipjack. Skipjack is actually a safer tuna to consume in quantity because their life span is three to five years so they do not accumulate the quantity toxins that other species can have. Also albacore by law when canned can only be labeled as albacore and no other species of tuna can be labeled as such. P.s. if you like store bought canned albacore buy the pouches as the flavor is better because it does not need as much pressure cooking time to sterlize the meat which results in a better flavor. My two cents....
Steve, From my experience skipjack like bonito and barries are fish that must be eaten immediatly. Skippies and bonito should be bled upon being caught and iced immediatly and then consumed as quickly as possible (never canned any so I can't speak to that). If you do that I have found them to be palitable and good. In my experience if you freeze any of these they are mush when you try to consume them later and the taste becomes stronger. If you buy canned tuna at the store that is labeled chunk light it is skipjack. Skipjack is actually a safer tuna to consume in quantity because their life span is three to five years so they do not accumulate the quantity toxins that other species can have. Also albacore by law when canned can only be labeled as albacore and no other species of tuna can be labeled as such. P.s. if you like store bought canned albacore buy the pouches as the flavor is better because it does not need as much pressure cooking time to sterlize the meat which results in a better flavor. My two cents....


Maybe that's why I've always thought it was good....Always bled and always eaten within a day or two.......... :yum
This is how many bags of SJ I brought home for lobster bait. Half of the boat were snobs and they sat in the galley bitching about the SJ. Me and Morgan were at the rail all day ripping lips. Pretty sure we ended up with YFT limits in the mix. Super fun fishing for sure I would do that trip 10 out of 10 times. No shame in my game I just want to catch fish and laugh.
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I may need to hit you up for a bag in a few weeks for bug season . . .
I have been on boats where I caught 8 BFT but I all ways take home 2 and the rest are passed around the boat. Lots of trips like that where I have helped fill peoples limits. I stay at the rail all day so if there are fish to be caught I am gonna catch them no matter the species until the captain says we are at our boat limit. As in every dude on the boat with a license has a full limit.

Just throwing this out there I will gladly give anyone who wants my skipjack my skipjack. I give them away or take them for lobster bait. I know they are edible but yuck you can have them.

They are good for canning...that is about it.
I finally got what I have been told is the new contact number for fortune Sportfishing. I called this morning and left a message to contact me about charter. I would imagine it will be some time before I get response. I know the contact info on their homepage is no longer accurate and new page is not yet set up.
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if it's a 2-day, count me in depending on dates. have all my own gear, have done several multi-day trips.
Depending on how many folks are in the group, I know a guy who runs his own charter out of San diego and he is one of the best fish finders I know. The last referral I gave him about 3 weeks ago walked out with limits of Bluefin.
The boat is not super big but he runs overnights all the time.
The fishing spicket just turned on last week.

Sunday it was crowded on the water and the rail.
3 good YT, lost 9 due to everyone else but ME!
I farm 3 the rest bad tangles, saw offed, lots of first timers flat seas so no pukers damnit!