Call To Action - Save Sportfishing!


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2019
Protect Access to Sportfishing

Hello California Angler and Marine Life Enthusiast!
Exactly four weeks from today the California Air Resources Board (CARB) will consider adopting such draconian engine emission regulations that would require existing boats to be scrapped and multi-million dollar new boats to be purchased, forcing ticket prices to be raised by 2-3 times existing prices. Not only could this mark the end for California sportfishing and whale watching boat owners but it would also make ocean access so costly that many current anglers won’t be able to afford it.

You have a voice in the process, but it needs to be heard. If you have not done so already, please write what may be the most important email you will ever write.
Insert "CHC2021 Save Our Boats" into the subject line.
If experiencing technical difficulties, email [email protected]

By their own admission, CARB’s staff have stated that boats will be removed from service!
“We, through this process, discussed the findings of the feasibility report from the California Maritime Academy and for some sectors are estimating that for vessels operating above the low use threshold that vessel replacement will be likely, especially the categories with wood or fiberglass vessels that can’t be as easily reconfigured.” - Public Workshop for the Proposed Amendments to the Commercial Harbor Craft Regulations, March 16, 2021

These regulations are not only a direct threat to family businesses and outdoor tourism, but future access to offshore fishing and marine life! Mark our words, as boats are removed from the water, fishing participation rates will decline and so will fishing license sales that fund critical offshore and inland conservation and fishery programs – programs that are essential to environmental sustainability and access to plentiful fish.

Please do not put this request off for another day. It is too important. Thank you.

This is big folks, Even if you don't fish you need to let them know this is not acceptable. If this goes through it will destroy generationally owned business's as well as put consevation based laws in jeporady. Bottom line is the boat owners and captains would lose there way to make a living and we would not have access to use the resource. We need to let carb know this does not work and if they want to change emission standards for the fleet they will need to fund the transition. They did it before in the 90's and certainly could provide funding to keep these business's afloat if the demand is there.
I recently saw on 976 tuna the thunderbird was installing two new engine. I'll assume they will meet new regs. when they go into effect.

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