Just out of curiosity, how did you find out about the SCH website?

I found out about this site from NBK @ Fine Firearms while picking up some reloading components the only time I have been in there. John has a wealth of knowledge, I feel fortunate to have stumbled upon Fine Firearms and now this site.

one of the guys at fine firearms gave me his card and wrote the name of the site on the back to help me with any more questions i had. cool people at ff for sure
Jedventure on the Jesseeshunting.com site suggested I might have a better chance of getting some info on this site. I hadn't heard of it before he mentioned it.
I found this site from the other sites and got recommended here.

This is the only hunting website i visit as it details coverage of our southern cali area. Seems alot less trollie then other sites. All good ppl here.