server updates over the next few days

Forum Janitor

Staff member
Hey guys!

just a heads up, we are upgrading our site again! there will be sometimes that the site will be unreachable and or slow or just fraked up! Take a deep breath and hang on it will be back.

Things should work much better and the dumb SSL warning will go away.....

Stand By
ok we are back!!!!!!! let me know if something is not working...

things should be working A LOT FASTER

and for you guys that use tapatalk.... try the phone interface its clean fast and you still get push notices and email
Nice job Billy. The site is loading pages noticeably faster! The new servers and our new software are running like a raped ape!
I made a test post in the Airgun Gate, looks to be functioning well. Links, photos and tools are all working as they should ;)
Back to normal for me...

Lets call Steve and get him through this.