2021 Application Deadlines


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2014
Well its almost that time of year again. If any of you wonder how a lot of us go on these out of state hunts every year it's because we put the time and research in. You have to pay to play. I think Colorado mule deer is on the books for me this year for sure, possible UT cow hunt, probably AZ youth deer with the possibility of a youth cow hunt. Always applying in NM. Then there is always the off chance I get lucky since I apply in 7 states I could get a once in a lifetime on a whim. I love application season. @NBK where you spending your 50 points this year?

Application Deadline DateApproved Or Tentative DatesStateDraw/Points/LeftoverSpecies/Item
December 15ApprovedAlaskaDrawRoosevelt Elk, Dall Sheep, Mountain Goat, Moose, Caribou, Bison, Muskox, Brown/Grizzly Bear, Black Bear
February 1ApprovedWyomingDrawNonresident Elk
February 9TentativeArizonaDrawElk, Antelope
February 10ApprovedOregonDrawBlack Bear
February 10TentativeNew MexicoDrawBlack Bear
February 15ApprovedIdahoDrawBlack Bear (Controlled)
February 22TentativeUtahDrawBlack Bear
February 26TentativeArizonaCC updateElk and Antelope Deadline To Update Card Information And To Purchase Point Guard
February 28TentativeWashingtonDrawBlack Bear
March 1ApprovedWyomingDrawMoose, Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goat
March 4ApprovedUtahDrawMule Deer, Antelope, Elk, Sheep, Moose, Mountain Goat
March 8TentativeNevadaDrawNonresident Mule Deer Guided Draw
March 17TentativeNew MexicoDrawGuided Draw (All Species)
March 17TentativeNew MexicoDrawBarbary Sheep, Rocky Bighorn Sheep, Desert Bighorn Sheep, Mule Deer, Whitetail Deer, Coues Deer, Elk, Ibex, Javelina, Antelope, Oryx, Black Bear
March 18ApprovedUtahPoints/App WithdrawBonus Point or Application Withdraw
March 22TentativeArizonaLeftoverLeftover Elk/Antelope Permits Available
March 31TentativeNorth DakotaDrawBighorn Sheep, Elk, Moose
March 31ApprovedWyomingDrawBison
April 1TentativeMontanaDrawMule Deer, Whitetail Deer and Elk
April 1TentativeSouth DakotaDrawNonresident Deer Archery
April 6TentativeColoradoDrawMule Deer, Whitetail Deer, Elk, Antelope, Rocky Bighorn Sheep, Desert Bighorn Sheep, Moose, Mountain Goat, Black Bear
April 15ApprovedWyomingModifyModify/Withdraw Moose, Sheep, Bison, Mountain Goat
April 16TentativeSouth DakotaDrawSpecial Buck
April 30ApprovedKansasDrawNonresident Mule Deer, Whitetail Deer
April 30ApprovedIdahoDrawMoose, Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goat
May 1TentativeMontanaDrawMoose, Rocky Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goat, Bison
May 3TentativeNevadaDrawMule Deer, Elk, Antelope, Rocky Bighorn Sheep, Desert Bighorn Sheep, California Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goat, Black Bear
May 10ApprovedWyomingModifyNonresident Elk Modify/Withdraw
May 10TentativeNevadaPoints/App WithdrawBonus Point or Application Withdraw
May 15ApprovedOregonDrawMule Deer, Columbian Blacktail Deer, Columbian Whitetail Deer, Elk, Roosevelt Elk, Antelope, Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goat
May 19TentativeSouth DakotaDrawElk, Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goat
May 20TentativeWashingtonDrawMule Deer, Columbian Blacktail Deer, Elk, Roosevelt Elk, Sheep, Mountain Goat, Moose
May 31ApprovedIdahoSuper TagFirst Idaho Super Hunt Draw Deadline
June 1ApprovedWyomingDrawResident Elk
June 1ApprovedWyomingDrawMule Deer, Whitetail Deer, Antelope
June 1TentativeMontanaDrawAntelope, Deer B, Elk B, Antelope B
June 2TentativeCaliforniaDrawMule Deer, Columbian Blacktail Deer, Elk, Tule Elk, Roosevelt Elk, Antelope, Bighorn Sheep, Black Bear
June 2TentativeNorth DakotaDrawMule Deer, Whitetail Deer
June 5ApprovedIdahoDrawMule Deer, Whitetail Deer, Elk, Antelope, Fall Bear (Controlled)
June 5TentativeNebraskaDrawNonresident Elk
June 6TentativeIowaDrawWhitetail Deer
June 8TentativeArizonaDrawMule Deer, Coues Deer, Rocky Bighorn Sheep, Desert Bighorn Sheep, Bison
June 11TentativeKansasDrawElk, Antelope and Resident Deer
June 11TentativeSouth DakotaDrawMule Deer and Whitetail Deer - Deer Muzzleloader, West River, East River, Black Hills, Custer State Park, Refuge Deer
June 15TentativeNevadaDrawBig Game Second Draw
June 16TentativeSouth DakotaDraw2nd Draw For (Mule Deer, Whitetail Deer) East River, West River, Black Hills, NWR Deer, Archery And Prarie Elk
June 17TentativeUtahDrawAntlerless Elk And Antlerless Mule Deer
June 21TentativeNevadaPoints2nd Draw Points Application And Application Withdraw Period
June 23TentativeNew MexicoLeftover Tags OpenResident Only Leftover Tags First 24 Hours
June 24TentativeArizonaCC UpdateDeadline To Update Your Card Information And To Purchase PointGuard
June 24TentativeNew MexicoLeftover Tags OpenNonresident And Resident Leftover Tags
June 25TentativeWyomingLeftover DrawLeftover Mule Deer, Whitetail, Elk, Antelope
June 25TentativeNebraskaDrawMule Deer, Whitetail Deer, Antelope, Resident Elk
July 1ApprovedWyomingSuper TagBighorn Sheep, Moose, Elk, Mountain Goat, Deer, Bison, Antelope, Mountain Lion, Wolf and Black Bear
July 6TentativeMontanaAlternate ListNonresident Alternate List Deadline
July 6TentativeColoradoSecond DrawElk, Mule Deer, Whitetail Deer, Bear, Antelope
July 12TentativeWyomingResident OTCResident OTC Mule Deer, Whitetail Deer, Elk Licenses Available
July 12TentativeWyomingLeftover Tags OpenLeftover Mule Deer, Whitetail Deer, Elk, Antelope (First Come, First Served) Available
July 16TentativeUtahLeftover Tags OpenUtah Remaining Limited Entry, Leftover General Elk Available
July 19TentativeArizonaLeftover Tags OpenLeftover Mule Deer, Coues Deer, Javelina Available
July 21TentativeUtahLeftover Tags OpenUtah Remaining General Season Mule Deer And Youth Available
July 23TentativeNevadaLeftover Tags OpenNevada First Come, First Served Available
July 24TentativeNorth DakotaDrawResident Only 2nd Deer Drawing
July 26TentativeArizonaLeftover Tags OpenFirst Come First Served Leftover Tags Available
August 1ApprovedIdahoLeftover Tags OpenAny Returned/Leftover Nonresident OTC Mule Deer, Whitetail Deer Or Elk Tags Available To Residents And Nonresidents
August 2TentativeNebraskaOTCMule Deer, Whitetail Deer - Remaining Permits And Non-Draw Permits Available
August 3TentativeColoradoLeftover Tags OpenLeftover Mule Deer, Whitetail Deer, Elk, Antelope
August 4TentativeNorth DakotaDrawAntelope
August 4TentativeColoradoOTCOTC Leftover Limited Licenses Available
August 6TentativeColoradoOTCOTC Unlimited Tags Available
August 6TentativeMontanaLeftoverMule Deer, Whitetail Deer, Elk Permits, Deer B, Elk Surplus List Signup
August 7TentativeNebraskaDrawResident Bighorn Sheep
August 10ApprovedIdahoSuper TagIdaho Second Super Hunt Draw Deadline
August 13TentativeSouth DakotaDrawAntelope Firearm
August 15ApprovedIdahoDraw2nd Controlled Draw
August 23TentativeMontanaLeftoverAntelope, Antelope B, Special Mountain Lion, Surplus List Signup
September 30TentativeMontanaPointsAll Species
October 12TentativeArizonaDrawSpring Bison, Black Bear And Javelina
November 1ApprovedWyomingPointsAll Species
November 30TentativeOregonPointsAll Species
December 1TentativeIdahoOTCNonresident Deer, Elk General Season Purchase Date Opens
December 15TentativeSouth DakotaPointsAll Species
$$ I need to start thinking about this. Most likely I will do CO cow elk and D16...everything else is up in the air. I have my eye on antelope, would love to eat a speed goat.

Bull elk - ?
Mule deer - CO
spring black bear?
Antelope - WY?
Maybe I'll get lucky and draw a moose tag somewhere.
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It's Ca A ZONE for me!! Im feeling lucky this year!! 20 points and counting!!
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$$ I need to start thinking about this. Most likely I will do CO cow elk and D16...everything else is up in the air. I have my eye on antelope, would love to eat a speed goat.

Bull elk - ?
Mule deer - CO
spring black bear?
Antelope - WY?
Maybe I'll get lucky and draw a moose tag somewhere.
I have 4 points in WY and might be into an early season goat hunt. We talked about doing a big party goat hunt with buck and doe tags. The possibilities are endless. I could get lucky and draw a good late season Bull tag in AZ and it will screw up all my plans. I love app season.
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AZ is youth-hunter-friendly. Lots of options. Deer or elk next fall....
Boys have 3 points for elk I am tempted to get them on an early October cow hunt over there. We saw a ton on our bull hunt a few years back it would be a fun hunt.
AZ is youth-hunter-friendly. Lots of options. Deer or elk next fall....

It's actually easier to draw a general tag than a youth tag in Az. My daughters have 6 elk points because they have never drawn a youth cow tag. Ed F
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June 8TentativeArizonaDrawMule Deer, Coues Deer, Rocky Bighorn Sheep, Desert Bighorn Sheep, Bison

Now this could potentially save me the $160 license fee, I bought my license on the deadline for 2020 (June 9), so looks like the license is still good for 2021 too. This is from AZ hunting regs:

An applicant must possess a license (in-cluding lifetime, pioneer or disabled veteran’s) that is valid on the last day of the application deadline for that draw.
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O...and lets not forget that Osos!! For Now...uggh.
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Im planning on

Bull Elk, Archery, Draw
Bull Elk, Any weapon, Draw
Bear, OTC and draw for WMA
Barbary sheep (in a couple of weeks OTC tag)
Mountain Lion (in a couple of weeks OTC tag)

Deer, D14, D11, or A22 (might just stick with OTC tag)
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Im planning on

Bull Elk, Archery, Draw
Bull Elk, Any weapon, Draw
Bear, OTC and draw for WMA
Barbary sheep (in a couple of weeks OTC tag)
Mountain Lion (in a couple of weeks OTC tag)

Deer, D14, D11, or A22 (might just stick with OTC tag)
FYI you cannot bring any mountain lion parts (hide or meat) back into California. Not sure if you had other plans for it.
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If you guys don’t have gohunt already, it’s definitely an extremely helpful tool for out of state hunting. It’s $150 for a membership, but worth every dime.

Research that used to take me literally hours to find, now takes minutes

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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