3.9.2019 South OC


Well-Known Member
Today was full if gear failures.

It all started with an alarm clock failure, when it went off I hit the off button instead of snooze and didnt wake up till 6:30, I was supposed to be on he sand by 6. Finally got out there and set up by 7:30.

Got nothing for about an hour and then right around 9 the bite turned on. Had a good runner, tried to set the drag, and it did nothing. Somehow my drag was not catching, put my thumb on the spool and pop, broke me off.

Shortly after I hooked up with these small Leo’s. They measured out around 24”, got my photo and back they went. By this time it was already 10, I was planning on heading to bass pro for the Turkey Seminar but I was to far away to make it out there with an hour drive.

Threw back out again and got a nice runner, almost pulled my entire rig into the ocean. Got the drag tightened down and started fighting. Then suddenly it turned, line went slack, and by the time I caught back up,pop, gone.

At least I was able to get out and beat the skunk.


Going out tomorrow morning to set up some cams in CNF and see if I can locate some Turkey signs.
Very cool. My goal for the summer is to do more surf fishing. Curious.. you ever get keeper leos? I hear they eat well if you bleed em right and all of that.. (you can tell I never bagged one)
Very cool. I have a buddy who is a big surf shark fisherman. He uses weed eater line for the leader. He has been surf fishing doing it for about 40 years he says the weed eater string is the best he has been able to come up with. He uses some crazy heavy leader that stick into tha sand. I should get some pictures of his rigs to post up on here. I know he can huck the line supe far.
Very cool. My goal for the summer is to do more surf fishing. Curious.. you ever get keeper leos? I hear they eat well if you bleed em right and all of that.. (you can tell I never bagged one)

Yea I catch keepers, some up to 57”. The two I lost today were large ones. With 25lbs of drag they were pulling line like nothing. I have never tried them but are supposed to he really good. I fish to close to drainages to eat any, if they were in blue water I would try.
Very cool. I have a buddy who is a big surf shark fisherman. He uses weed eater line for the leader. He has been surf fishing doing it for about 40 years he says the weed eater string is the best he has been able to come up with. He uses some crazy heavy leader that stick into tha sand. I should get some pictures of his rigs to post up on here. I know he can huck the line supe far.

Yea the weed eater lines makes a good rub leader, the shark skin is like sand paper and will cut braid and mono easily. I am using 80lb braid and 160lb wire leaders with those break away sinkers. My gear is lite compared to the guys I fish with. They are Kayacking baits out up to 300 yards and dropping. I may add the kayack this summer, water to cold for me.

I like hooking into big bat rays, they put up a good 30 minute fight at least to get them on shore, like a freight train. Mud Marlin

Great pix and thanks for sharing your fishing experience....I've caught some serious Leo's in San Diego Bay....Battle royal for sure.

Great pix and thanks for sharing your fishing experience....I've caught some serious Leo's in San Diego Bay....Battle royal for sure.

They are fun, took me awhile to figure out how to catch the larger ones. West Coast is the only place in the world that has a fishery for them. I would like to try some SD beaches for them, have seen some nice reports of them.

How did the seminar go today? Wish I could of seen some of the calls used. I ordered a Primos starter kit, not sure how good they will be, good enough to drive my wife crazy practicing for sure.
Way to get out there and hook up. Leopards are cool fish. I’ve only caught a few small ones and never targeted them. I know what you mean about bat rays. Rediculous fighters.
With rays, it's all that surface area they have! Hard as hell to reel them in because of it.

And they can be kinda smart too if you catch one when on a pier... they know to make for the pylons underneath you.