Backpacking sleeping bag

I remember those nights as well...When kids were kids, and the men were
Yes Steve times are changing fast. I had a kid in my Jr High group Friday night continually bully another boy. Finally the kid getting bullied had enough punched the bully good in the mouth and then put him in a headlock until we could separate them. Probably the best thing that could have happened to the bully but instead of his parents using it as a learning experience I had to deal with their excuses for why their son was assaulted and how it wasn’t his fault. All the while undermining me as the leader and everything I told them that happened.
The world is raising sissy’s and no kid can do any wrong. Problem is when those kids grow up eventually the world will punch them in the mouth.
I love making my boys suffer and pushing them a little further than they should go. And if my sons are bullying someone I would love for them to get punched in the mouth.
Sorry for jacking the thread.

That's not jacking the thread...It's something that should be said.

Now back to the bag selection...This was last year at the San Carlos Res turkey hunting...20 degrees or less...Wal-Mart square bag (30+), Wal-Mart tent, Wal-Mart blow up mattress, and thin blanket...Never cold...I have always felt being off the ground is the key...Self inflating mattresses are good...Cot is better, if you can have it.

Steve... you completely derailed the thread with that equipment. BTW, i have a spring turkey tag for the San Carlos rez... I don't know what a turkey looks like... Ed F


Which period?...We did 2nd last time...Thinking 3rd this spring.
Ed, i turkied with the boys last year here in AZ..way different than Ca...harder than elk or deer ..we lost, We hate to lose..