Crow Swarm on a Coyote Hunt



Went out Sunday morning for a try at this Redhead Coyote (my white whale) over by my buddy's house. Me and my buddy set up around 05:45 with my FoxPro Blackjack decoy and his FoxPro Firestorm. We had 1 dog (not the one I've been looking for) peak a hill at 125 yards to our 3:00. My buddy thinks he moved too quick to square up on him and it bounced back over the hill. No other sightings and the hikers started to roll in so the spot got busted. However, as we were posted up on this steep hillside, we saw crows flying the same path from where the coyote was. They'd crest the ridge and were flying just about eye level to us about 30 yards away. Right when they'd get over the decoy, they'd FREAK OUT! I've never seen anything like it. They were circling, dive bombing, squawking like crazy! I could've literally punched a few of them right in the face! If we were just going for crow, we would've easily dropped 50 of them in 10 minutes. Maybe I'll try that next weekend! Anyone have any good Crow recipes ;D!?
Sorry can't recommend a recipe.. I've never "eaten crow" before (lame joke award). I eat lots of weird stuff but I don't think that'll be one of em. But let us know how they taste if/when u cook some up.
I've had crows follow a ton of coyotes I've called in. It's always good when crows circle cause it's like a big flashing sign that says FREE FOOD for coyotes
SurfNHuntSD said:
Sorry can't recommend a recipe.. I've never "eaten crow" before (lame joke award). I eat lots of weird stuff but I don't think that'll be one of em. But let us know how they taste if/when u cook some up.

Yeah, any time I've told anyone I want to try them (since they ARE an upland bird and all), they say something along the lines of "they didn't make the saying "eating crow" because they taste good". Just hope the one(s) I try don't get their daily vitamins from the local dump! Jackrabbit was pretty good... maybe I can make up some good bird... coyote will be next... hopefully!
I have and it's not good not bad. Everything is good with BBQ sauce. Dude go get um. Step up to pheasant loads and may lay those suckers. Fast paced and exciting hunt.
TaftHunter said:
I've had crows follow a ton of coyotes I've called in. It's always good when crows circle cause it's like a big flashing sign that says FREE FOOD for coyotes

Yeah, that's what we figured too... can't get more legit to an onlooking dog than to see a flock of crows going ape $hi+. The sounds of the wings 5 feet from my face was a pretty cool experience. Next time I'm going to see if I can knife one out of the air!
wackums back said:
I have and it's not good not bad. Everything is good with BBQ sauce. Dude go get um. Step up to pheasant loads and may lay those suckers. Fast paced and exciting hunt.

BBQ Pulled Crow sounds good to me Wackum! If I didn't ONLY have 3" magnum 00 buck on me ($2 a shell).... I'm going to grab a box of #5's... maybe next weekend I'll give it a go. Don't know if they move through there like a highway, but it sure seemed like it... big flock after big flock continually for about 30 minutes. Each flock would act the same. It was like my little pre-waterfowl experience the way they'd fly in and almost stop and hover in mid-air.
Go Jackie chan and karate them suckers. Better yet get stick to go full cage crazy and rear naked choke um out. I'd buy that video. 2 rednecks beating down the Indian bird. Might go viral. Tie one to your head and lookout they do divebomb