Hold on guys our AG has the next move.......en banc is on its way is my guess
So, we have the weekend to buy? First site I went to is already sold out.

Shouldn't this also knock out the assault weapon ban?
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Get your orders in ASAP cause these california commies from Becerra's office will go to the judge over the weekend and get a stay on the ruling just like they did with the internet ammo sales with no back ground checks. I managed to get my ammo order in before the stay, delivery date doesn't matter.
Get your orders in ASAP cause these california commies from Becerra's office will go to the judge over the weekend and get a stay on the ruling just like they did with the internet ammo sales with no back ground checks. I managed to get my ammo order in before the stay, delivery date doesn't matter.

Yup - then we'll have to wait 10 years for an en banc hearing
Looks like the opinion was written by Judge Kenneth Lee, a Trump appointee who was confirmed on a party-line vote. Goes to show if you respect your 2A rights but think you're too good to vote for Trump, you're working against your interests.
Isn't it great that your state government uses million of your dollars to keep you from your rights as an American and use information that is bogus and corrupt. After all the Government knows whats best right? My disdain for anything or any Democrat can not be measured now. There is nothing unifying about the democrat party. Its a full blown war and we are getting out ass kicked at the moment. Our side is nothing but cowards. We only have a few real patriots on our side. Scary times and Scary people getting ready to really take over your lives. If Biden wins the whole country is going to be like California. Its truly disturbing to me. Look at what has happened. We are out of our mind happy that we can now get 30 round mags for our Modern Sporting guns. For every victory we get they pass 100 more laws against our freedom. They have a bottomless pit of money...your money and they use it against your rights. I don't wanna be a Dougie downer but this isn't a happy day for me, its a sad day that we continue to allow this to happen to our 2nd Amendment without a shot being fired. Its a sad day for me. They don't fear us anymore and haven't for a long time. Its just a matter of time before you owning a gun will be illegal. And what would make Democrats more happy than arresting American Patriots. NOTHING.

About 12 years ago an FBI agent went undercover to an organization that is plotting to take over America. A radical leftist commie think tank, this group has dark money funneled to it one of the people who help organize this group is Bill Ayers. During this meeting and power point presentation they talked about what would be the FINAL task to complete their mission. The final task was to murder 25 million people, those 25 million people were pointed out to be God Fearing Gun Owning All Americans. This group is still around today, it helped fund Occupy Wall Street it Funnels money to ANTIFA and BLM. It has its fingers in EVERY Communist organization in the country. It funnels Marxists into your public schools and University's. Don't think this is possible "Surfcity is off his rocker" I would just ask you to look around at the country right now.

Go back just 12 short years ago and imagine what is happening now would ever be possible? The 2nd amendment now has no teeth. They have been allowed to turn it into evil instead of the greatest right a man has ever had. We will hand our guns over and we will walk to the ovens because we no longer have the men or women willing to fight for us and no one is willing to start the kind of fight that needs to be fought. This so called "victory" is a very sad day for the republic. God Bless
All the Left has to do is call someone a racist and they win. They say working hard and being an individual is white privilege. They will start calling gun ownership racist and an example of white privilege. The spin is unbelievable, and the news organizations are implicit in this unraveling of our rights. I think you are right Surfcity, our rights are being chipped away at and we just stand around looking dumb. The first thing we can do is not give in to idiotic rhetoric. Uh, you want to call me a racist because I love America? Get outta here!

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What you are 72! NOW dang where it the time going......
Older ya get the faster it goes by.
Quote from my stepdad when i was a kid.never thought much about it.because when ur young it goes by soo slow.i remember.cant wait to be 13 a teen.then 16 to drive.then 18 to graduate.then 21 to drink.then ya kinda forget about it and it starts flyin by. And it took forever for those bdays. But boy when ya hit yer 30's.then 40's.then ect... YER LIKE WHOA WHERE DID THE TIME GO.
Boy was my stepdad rt. Im 53 seems just yesterday i was 21..
So enjoy every moment. Life is precious.
At 72, I've been beating this drum for a long time...I'm glad some of the younger folks are starting to see what's at stake....TRUMP 2020

Yes Trump 2020 because I love my rights (1A and 2A especially), my country's sovereignty, and I don't hate myself. Oh not to mention he has never done anything even as close to as evil as Kamala that we know of, and he doesn't like to sniff underage girls hair like creepy Joe. JS