Democrats starting civil unrest

Do the Democrats want civil war

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 58.8%
  • No

    Votes: 7 41.2%

  • Total voters
American population... roughly 320million people including children...
About 30% of Americans own a fire arm... that’s about 90 million adults that AT LEAST own one fire arm, in my Case is ..... lets leave it at “more than one”... ad to it 3 to 4000 rounds per household... that is about 3,6 Billion rounds...
Every gun owner is highly trained on the use of their guns...
Good luck trying to fight us...
It will be nasty...
We do not want this guys, it will not be pretty. It will not be faught in some foreign land or some back fields but yet in our streets and neighborhoods.

Power will be out stores will not be open for business there will be no going back. Family’s will starve. We are a vary vary soft nation people and only a few out of many have seen war. We live in a nation of comforts, Facebook, Instagram and amazon. when those are gone and people go hungry our nation will be ripped apart no matter what side your on..... we all will pay a heavy price for ideas.

Hope there is a better way, But if not, brothers I tell you what!!!!!! Our nation was born out of war and She will make it through as one !
We do not want this guys, it will not be pretty. It will not be faught in some foreign land or some back fields but yet in our streets and neighborhoods.

Power will be out stores will not be open for business there will be no going back. Family’s will starve. We are a vary vary soft nation people and only a few out of many have seen war. We live in a nation of comforts, Facebook, Instagram and amazon. when those are gone and people go hungry our nation will be ripped apart no matter what side your on..... we all will pay a heavy price for ideas.

Hope there is a better way, But if not, brothers I tell you what!!!!!! Our nation was born out of war and She will make it through as one !

No rational person wish to go to war... I certainly don't want to... most likely we will be fighting against some of our friends over ideas.
It is irrationals who want to mess around... look at Antifa... what would you do if they catch you off guard when you are trying to express your ideas and they start to bit you out?
They will keep using terrorist actions against pacific law abiding citizens for as long as they can get away with it.
RE: Civil-War/Riot scenario

To quote a phrase from growin' up 'hood... "Sheeeiit... I Wish A N***a Would!"

Sheeeiiit... I DARE an Idiot, Emotionally-driven Hate-Mongering, Identity-Politics-perpetuating dumb-@$$ Mofo to try and start some isht all up in (what is now, these days) my lil "leave-it-to-beaver" 'hood... if my maniacal laughter doesn't clue'em in... or the sound of all the flies buzzing around all the heads impaled on stakes in my front yard starting to grow in number... then maybe once they start seeing the sky growing dark with all the Turkey Vultures swirling overhead blotting out the Sun... maybe... just maybe... then they just might start getting a clue and pickin' their happy asses up and movin' the hell on before I really start makin' it personal and "takin' it there".

I put in WORK to move my happy a$$ away from all that ghetto-@$$ foolishness. Some foo' gon' try to bring that noise all up in my nice quite lil' bit of Americana Apple-Pie neighborhood I'm in now? Sheeeiit... they thought Wrong, Jack!

Seeing one Riot first-hand in my lifetime (The Rodney King Riots) is more than enough for me. These things *might* start off as protests/riots by people who *possibly* had good intentions in their hearts... but... "See a fool, use a fool" real damn quick the OG's , BG's, and various other miscellaneous HoodRats quickly see it for the "opportunity" that it is... to them.

If you see any fools advancin' up your block. It sho' as hell ain't no damn body who gives a flying you-know-what about impeachment. Let alone somebody who even understands WTF that word even means. Feel guilt-free in your conscience about pluggin' such a fool.

And don't worry... you'll know it when you see it.
I started pondering this after Obama was elected. I know some of you have heard of Saul Alinsky. If you haven't find "Find Rules for Radicals" and read it. He personally signed a copy for Hillary Clinton and the two were pen pals. There are a few books out that explain how it has gotten this way. Dianna West "The Red Thread" is an eye opener, I don't like her style at all but lots of info that will blow your mind. We have been subverted by propoghanda and emotional news. You local news only tells you what they want you to hear. Schools have been infiltrated by Bolsheviks. Some school districts are teaching out right demonic sex ed that undermine EVERYTHING we were taught at home. Some school districts have been caught with student questions about their parents guns. I cringe when I see people watching network news. What is happening to POTUS is pure soviet style "justice!". All of these gun laws in this state are insane. The new gun laws are so abhorrent and diabolical I don't think people understand! For example you buy ammo now. You buy some 308 winnis and the state now can cross check that with their records on the guns you own. You don't have a 308 on record....get the picture. You go to the doctor and you just had a mind boggling life experience you see the doc for some help, they give you something, to ease your mind and help you sleep or whatever, if you get state assistance they have your health records and you gun records, that mind easy pharmy your doc gave you just gave them the license to take your guns. Problem is for us American citizens is that we have been told and taught to trust the Gov. Nobody wants to be sending lead to your neighbor. However, some of my neighbors vote their freedoms away. I personally don't think every American should be able to vote. There are no such thing as Democrats anymore, they are Bolsheviks. Nobody in their right mind would want anything to do with Socialism its not what they say it is and it goes VIOLENTLY against human nature. Nothing on the planet has killed more human beings than communists NOTHING not even the mosquito a device god made specifically to thin out humanity. Redistribution of your wealth isn't about MONEY its about your freedom.
I think about this alot. I have read a lot about what is happening. The variables are extensive. For example what does law enforcement do if shit hits the fan? The propoghanda of today is that you are a "Gun Nut" a"White Supremacists" even tho you could be black mexican vietnamese... The bolsheviks have managed to hold a narrative that have people labeling REAL Americans. Kids in college today are being brainwashed to look at their parents and blame them for the Worlds problems when you know and I know without the US of A the world would be a total shit whole except for 1% of the population. Guess what, this country was founded by 1%ers! In order to make it work and for the Good Guys to win,we would need people a whole hell of a lot smarter than me to organize the right people from within the Gov MSM Military and Civilian leaders and it all has to be kept on the low down.
The civil rights movement of the 60's didn't happen because a black girl one day decided to ride with the whites. It was a very long very calculated process. Lots of planning went into her bus ride.
For myself, I have never been to war. I don't know how I would react at being shot at or shit blowing up around me. Having to move my family from our home and realizing I might never see them again or my house my way of life. I do now this tho I don't want my children growing up in a Bolsheviks world. We are so far removed on what it is to be an American and what America means and the GIFT of the Bill of Rights The Constitution The Declaration of Independence These are incredible Documents written at a time when Kings and Queens and ruthless dictators that could careless about you were running the show. I try to read the Declaration of Independence a few times a year. The thing will make your blood boil. It CHANGED the Planet earth for the better. I am a son of a revolutionary soldier. My family settled along the Potomac in the early 1700's. This country runs DEEP inside me. I am all about the Stars and Bars. I would be happy to test my sand with the right people leading me. Its in my blood to fight tyranny and that is what is happening. You lead me I will follow.
I started pondering this after Obama was elected. I know some of you have heard of Saul Alinsky. If you haven't find "Find Rules for Radicals" and read it. He personally signed a copy for Hillary Clinton and the two were pen pals. There are a few books out that explain how it has gotten this way. Dianna West "The Red Thread" is an eye opener, I don't like her style at all but lots of info that will blow your mind. We have been subverted by propoghanda and emotional news. You local news only tells you what they want you to hear. Schools have been infiltrated by Bolsheviks. Some school districts are teaching out right demonic sex ed that undermine EVERYTHING we were taught at home. Some school districts have been caught with student questions about their parents guns. I cringe when I see people watching network news. What is happening to POTUS is pure soviet style "justice!". All of these gun laws in this state are insane. The new gun laws are so abhorrent and diabolical I don't think people understand! For example you buy ammo now. You buy some 308 winnis and the state now can cross check that with their records on the guns you own. You don't have a 308 on record....get the picture. You go to the doctor and you just had a mind boggling life experience you see the doc for some help, they give you something, to ease your mind and help you sleep or whatever, if you get state assistance they have your health records and you gun records, that mind easy pharmy your doc gave you just gave them the license to take your guns. Problem is for us American citizens is that we have been told and taught to trust the Gov. Nobody wants to be sending lead to your neighbor. However, some of my neighbors vote their freedoms away. I personally don't think every American should be able to vote. There are no such thing as Democrats anymore, they are Bolsheviks. Nobody in their right mind would want anything to do with Socialism its not what they say it is and it goes VIOLENTLY against human nature. Nothing on the planet has killed more human beings than communists NOTHING not even the mosquito a device god made specifically to thin out humanity. Redistribution of your wealth isn't about MONEY its about your freedom.
I think about this alot. I have read a lot about what is happening. The variables are extensive. For example what does law enforcement do if shit hits the fan? The propoghanda of today is that you are a "Gun Nut" a"White Supremacists" even tho you could be black mexican vietnamese... The bolsheviks have managed to hold a narrative that have people labeling REAL Americans. Kids in college today are being brainwashed to look at their parents and blame them for the Worlds problems when you know and I know without the US of A the world would be a total shit whole except for 1% of the population. Guess what, this country was founded by 1%ers! In order to make it work and for the Good Guys to win,we would need people a whole hell of a lot smarter than me to organize the right people from within the Gov MSM Military and Civilian leaders and it all has to be kept on the low down.
The civil rights movement of the 60's didn't happen because a black girl one day decided to ride with the whites. It was a very long very calculated process. Lots of planning went into her bus ride.
For myself, I have never been to war. I don't know how I would react at being shot at or shit blowing up around me. Having to move my family from our home and realizing I might never see them again or my house my way of life. I do now this tho I don't want my children growing up in a Bolsheviks world. We are so far removed on what it is to be an American and what America means and the GIFT of the Bill of Rights The Constitution The Declaration of Independence These are incredible Documents written at a time when Kings and Queens and ruthless dictators that could careless about you were running the show. I try to read the Declaration of Independence a few times a year. The thing will make your blood boil. It CHANGED the Planet earth for the better. I am a son of a revolutionary soldier. My family settled along the Potomac in the early 1700's. This country runs DEEP inside me. I am all about the Stars and Bars. I would be happy to test my sand with the right people leading me. Its in my blood to fight tyranny and that is what is happening. You lead me I will follow.
Very well said and written. You hit on the nail my friend.
I pray we are not pass the point of no return. Those that don't want to see the inedible.. will understand when it's to late. If it isn't all ready.
You put the puzzle PC's together.
God bless you brother.
Good to know @surfcity ... I'll have you in charge of the logistics supply chain, and Recon/ID of essential targets (Water Sources/ Intra-Continental delivery pathways). (hehe)

The biggest problem.... with our governance today in terms of our Gun Rights.... as I see it... is that you have people voting on these rights... who are soo horribly arrogant in their assumption that *they* could possibly know what's best for another's security needs!

Ton of people have basically grown up with a silver-spoon in their mouth. But because they've never experienced the other side of the fence in terms of living in a stressful sh!tty neighborhood... these fools can't even BEGIN to comprehend the VERY REAL needs of others.

And I HAVE to assume they have No Concept of Murphy's Law. At least... as it applies to your governance adopting sinister motives and abuses of power.

Then... you get those of us in the know... over here tryin' like mad to school these fools on how they're gettin' played... and these illogical idiots are soo emotionally worked-up they can't even see the line of dominoes it's falling along and interpret and understand the long-term significance of the impact of their choices (aka votes) today... and how they JUST condemn their childrens children to a HUGE uphill legislative battle that will take typically 50+ yrs to correct.
the fake news is been hard at it, fox news posted this crap about the demosocialist comi's today pushing to impeach the President and we were both angry they keep wasting time and money.

Hmmph.. ya know... kinda makes sense now that I think about it. These are all the parents who stood idly by while somebody said "No-no everyone gets a participation trophy. And NO BULLIES!!" Or the kids themselves who were given those stupid everyones a winner trophies.

So... then along comes Trump. And... personality wise... I could totally see all the folks "cut from that kinda cloth" wagging their fingers at their screen and screaming "BULLY!!!". Because let's face it... he's seriously lacking in the social skills department. And even though that is the case... a lot of us with discernment have been remaining silent and taking a "Meh... Ok... let's wait-and-see what happens" approach.

But not that type. Why would they? They were all taught to be good little politically correct soldiers and point their fingers and scream "INJUSTICE!!!". And it's only made worse now that the culture has got'em all craving their own personal 15 minutes of fame or however many more "likes" or whatever.

It may not have been planned that way... but you best believe the ones pulling the strings will take it!

And... do we see evidence of this? Hrmm... what's that you say? Search Engines are purposefully stearing away from searches looking for X and Y that they don't like? Really? Huh...imagine that.

At first these types started to see the internet as their way to break-thru the glass-ceiling strangle-hold "the haves" have held over this country and it's governance. And that glass slipper was *transparency*. And... because there was soo much occurrence of "the haves" pulling strings and controlling/influencing things... indeed... at first... that *transparency* was a beautiful thing. And brought much to light. But then... uh-oh... it started to disallow them from playing spin-doctor with "their guy" (in whichever candidate position you care to speak about).

Sure seems like with the Obama presidencies... that is when we started to see this dual-edged transparency sword begin cutting both ways... and that's when they jumped on it and started pulling strings themselves to have tech/internet/search-engine subtley seem to now not find certain search terms... and videos expressing certain viewpoints getting yanked-down at first... then once whistle blown on that... demonitized instead. Just a little tweak in the ToS (Terms of Service) and boom... they are all gravy to do what they want, because hey, you "agreed" to it.
Hmmph.. ya know... kinda makes sense now that I think about it. These are all the parents who stood idly by while somebody said "No-no everyone gets a participation trophy. And NO BULLIES!!" Or the kids themselves who were given those stupid everyones a winner trophies.

So... then along comes Trump. And... personality wise... I could totally see all the folks "cut from that kinda cloth" wagging their fingers at their screen and screaming "BULLY!!!". Because let's face it... he's seriously lacking in the social skills department. And even though that is the case... a lot of us with discernment have been remaining silent and taking a "Meh... Ok... let's wait-and-see what happens" approach.

But not that type. Why would they? They were all taught to be good little politically correct soldiers and point their fingers and scream "INJUSTICE!!!". And it's only made worse now that the culture has got'em all craving their own personal 15 minutes of fame or however many more "likes" or whatever.

It may not have been planned that way... but you best believe the ones pulling the strings will take it!

And... do we see evidence of this? Hrmm... what's that you say? Search Engines are purposefully stearing away from searches looking for X and Y that they don't like? Really? Huh...imagine that.

At first these types started to see the internet as their way to break-thru the glass-ceiling strangle-hold "the haves" have held over this country and it's governance. And that glass slipper was *transparency*. And... because there was soo much occurrence of "the haves" pulling strings and controlling/influencing things... indeed... at first... that *transparency* was a beautiful thing. And brought much to light. But then... uh-oh... it started to disallow them from playing spin-doctor with "their guy" (in whichever candidate position you care to speak about).

Sure seems like with the Obama presidencies... that is when we started to see this dual-edged transparency sword begin cutting both ways... and that's when they jumped on it and started pulling strings themselves to have tech/internet/search-engine subtley seem to now not find certain search terms... and videos expressing certain viewpoints getting yanked-down at first... then once whistle blown on that... demonitized instead. Just a little tweak in the ToS (Terms of Service) and boom... they are all gravy to do what they want, because hey, you "agreed" to it.
Google "Patriot" Google "Black Gangs Beat white man" The only reason why you think "he's seriously lacking in the social skills department" is because we have been programed. His social skills are refreshing to me. The truth hurts and instead of making you think around the PC mentality and lingo he cuts right through the bullshit. We cringe because we have been programmed away from the realities of the truth, it breaks this mentality.
No... in my wisdom, I stand by my statement. He's severely lacking in communication skills. Goes hand-in-hand with his narcissism.
Now... that having been said... I've observed even his dumb @$$ is *starting*... barely starting.... to learn to keep his yapper shut and not go with off-the-cuff off-the-top-of-his-head remarks soo much because he is soo bad at it it's not even funny.

And here's the thing... it's not so much like the meaning he *intended*... that he intended... was a bad thing. But... he's soooo horrible at commanding the English Language he frequently picks thee worst possible word choices... ones which can have a much different meaning read-in to them... which makes it soo easy for the Left to whip out their great big wide paintbrush strokes and jump on the "he's a racist" bandwagon, etc.

About the only saving grace... that I think makes him not work soo bad in that role as President is that in all things that go on while he is in that office... you know damn well he's going to be thinking first and foremost about how it affects HIS bottom-line. Also... that he doesn't have to care about whether the majority of people agree or disagree with this position on something... because being a politician is not his "career". That latter aspect is something I'd say I appreciate most.

I feel that one of the biggest problems our country has been having is that all these people which get into that office... have done so via the "Political career" route. So they always gotta be worried about not pissing off those that got them there. Thus... they can never commit to making the hard choices we really do need to make in order to correct isht... otherwise they risk disappearing off the map, career-wise. Well... with the Trump case scenario.. you don't have that. It's a shame that it took an extreme compare-constrast between him and that evil beyotch to finally push people towards taking a chance on a non career-groomed person. But hopefully that... coupled with the fact that it looks like the Dems have an extremely sh!tty line-up of nut-ball losers vying for their 2020 spot... and hopefully we may just happen to see Trump get some more time to work with.

But man oh man I sincerely hope somebody starts whispering in his ear in terms of playing his cards closer to his chest. And in terms of using just a scosche of diplomacy. He's done some foolish things in terms of dumb @$$ things he's popped-off the lip with. His narcissism makes him too boastful, which ends up pushing the other party in a negotiations back up against the wall in terms of potentially going along with some isht he might have been pushing for. For example... he very well might have been able to work out some kinda deal with Mexico where we'd end up recup'ing the expense of the wall over time. But then when he goes and pops off the lip with "And we're gonna make them pay for it!" ... F**kin' Idiot, you just ruined any chance of that happening. Ya see what I'm saying here? It's THAT kinda stuff that hampers him greatly. A True Player wouldn't pop off the lip like that and ruin his chances before he even began.
Good to know @surfcity ... I'll have you in charge of the logistics supply chain, and Recon/ID of essential targets (Water Sources/ Intra-Continental delivery pathways). (hehe)

The biggest problem.... with our governance today in terms of our Gun Rights.... as I see it... is that you have people voting on these rights... who are soo horribly arrogant in their assumption that *they* could possibly know what's best for another's security needs!

Ton of people have basically grown up with a silver-spoon in their mouth. But because they've never experienced the other side of the fence in terms of living in a stressful sh!tty neighborhood... these fools can't even BEGIN to comprehend the VERY REAL needs of others.

And I HAVE to assume they have No Concept of Murphy's Law. At least... as it applies to your governance adopting sinister motives and abuses of power.

Then... you get those of us in the know... over here tryin' like mad to school these fools on how they're gettin' played... and these illogical idiots are soo emotionally worked-up they can't even see the line of dominoes it's falling along and interpret and understand the long-term significance of the impact of their choices (aka votes) today... and how they JUST condemn their childrens children to a HUGE uphill legislative battle that will take typically 50+ yrs to correct.
I have been waiting for you.... I am a really good shot from a distance FYI Lead me and I will follow