
Staff member
Mar 2, 2011
Very, Very scary. Read this and let it sink in.

A lot of people have brought up the fact that they won't vote for Trump if he's the eventual nominee. I just want to put something in perspective.
Justice Scalia's seat is vacant. Ginsberg is 82 years old, Kennedy is 79, Breyer is 77, and Thomas is 67. Nowadays, the data shows that the average age of a Supreme Court retirement or death occurs after 75.
These are 5 vacancies that will likely come up over the next 4-8 years. The next President will have the power to potentially create a 7-2 Supreme Court skewed in their ideology.
Think about that... 7-2. If the next President appoints 5 young justices, it will guarantee control of the Supreme Court for an entire generation. And 7-2 decisions will hold up much more over time than 5-4 decisions which are seemed to be lacking in mandate.
Hillary has made it clear she will use the Supreme Court to go after the 2nd Amendment. She has literally said that the Supreme Court was wrong in its Heller decision stating that the Court should overturn and remove the individual right to keep and bear arms. Period.
Everyone saying that they won't vote for one candidate or the other if they are the GOP nominee, please realize this. If Hillary Clinton wins and gets to make these appointments, you likely will never see another Conservative victory at the Supreme Court level for the rest of your life. Ever
Look at it this way. IF Trump is the GOP nominee. Your still voting against Hillary or Sanders. Even if you hate Trump, your vote matters, and it need's to go against these 2 democrats...
I agree with everything your saying. I can vote in the upcoming election because I'm 18 in June. That being said I think trump is a loose cannon but I love everything he's saying. And I sure as sh** don't want Hillary or that socialist Sanders.

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Our whole goal as a voting block is to keep Hillary out of the Whitehouse....No matter who our candidate is.....How's she not in prison is beyond me.... :mad:
Trump says in public what everyone thinks and says behind closed doors. Cant wait to see him lay into Hilary in the debates. It is going to be a crazy 6 months.
Couldn't agree more with everyone's statements.. It's tough for me though, somehow I'm marrying a Hillary loving liberal. So I just keep my mouth shut when her and all her friends start piping up about how awful Trump is and how amazing Killary is. That is until I ask them to please tell me about her policy. And I say policy because if you can at least give me one of her views on policy we can have a good adult debate about her policy. Nope, not one of them, including my bride to be can tell me anything factual. I even asked my bride to be the other night, when was the last time you actually sat down and listened to ANYTHING Hillary has ever said? And sound bites from liberal NPR radio doesn't count. She said, "I haven't" then goes on to say, "actually I can't ever imagine coming home from work and listening to or reading about politics". But yet she swears by Clinton! WTF?! Lol. It's just so funny to me! This is how I believe a large part of our country works. The uninformed dictates our country's policies. Just what both sides want right?! Blind faith. I will say though, if the GOP/RNC takes the nomination away from Trump, I'm done with this place! It's about time this country listens to its people!! If the GOP wants to get shady they can kiss there chances goodbye for many generations to come and its nobody's fault but there own.
Haha.. I hear ya brother. She's a great girl, just very un-informed.. Politics aside, which we agree to try and not talk about together, she's a keeper!
So if Trump gets in how long until his 'big hands' pick North Korea and there's a nuclear war? I give him 3 weeks. Making America Great!
"The uniformed dictates our country's policies" -so true. I once had a coworker ask me my political affiliation and after responding "Republican" they said "so you are for the war?" I was honestly speechless from their ignorance.

BTW I was losing it after the Xwife comment sprig, I am still "lol-ing".

And another thing, I hate the idea of that idiot, ignorant, say anything for votes even if it doesn't make sense trump becoming president. Although as to the North Korea comment, if he does incite an altercation with them it probably won't be soon enough. We would kick their ass before they got their first bomb off, at least I think we would, and it would force those in our government behind the scenes to finally do something about the situation. Don't forget our government runs off a system of checks and balances so hopefully Trump wouldn't be able to muck things up too much.

The people of Korea are like a women stuck in a non-physically violent relationship. They have been seperated from the reality of the world and brainwashed by their husband i.e. government, made to buy a pile of bull to their own detriment all the while believing it is good for them. We need to seal team six Kim Jeongs ass just like in that ridiculous movie where they did that and set the people on a path to freedom like the people to the south of them have. It would be tragic at first, but undeniably better in the long run.

Sorry for the little bit of thread jacking and the ranting.

It really is a shame we don't have a better candidate to vote for, if ever there was a time for a good independent it would be now.
TonyS said:
So if Trump gets in how long until his 'big hands' pick North Korea and there's a nuclear war? I give him 3 weeks. Making America Great

Take's an act of congress to go to war..... Unless we are attacked,no war will be raged. (Isis, this issue will not be a war, it's a problem)

North Korea will crumble under the sanction's trump sets on them.
Trump speaks to the silent majority, he speaks to the blue collar worker that typically doesn't vote.

The politicians have rattled the big dog's cage one too many times... The back bone of this country is speaking in this primary race (if that's what you want to call it), trump will be the nominee, he will crush that B@&$@, and hopefully she get indicted.

Trump challenges the establishment (RNC), there losing there power and they don't like it. It's 2016 we do not have the same problems and issues any more. The Cold War is over and its come to light that if you want to have your lips glued to a bong after you get off work, well that's okay. My point is this, society Has changed the RNC has not, they need to and until they quit talking this mumbo jumbo PC bull S@&? Candidates like trump and on the liberal side will crush them.

P.s. If an all out war happens because of the new and improved foreign policy's, well so be it..... I'm 29 and am more then whiling to serve this great nation.
Just worried that the RNC in-fighting over Trump will split us and hand the election easily to Hillary. If Trump wins the delegates outright the RNC including the establishment folks need to rally around him instead of threatening to run a 3rd option like Romney. There's no logic in that other than guaranteeing a win for the Dems and a huge loss for the America we know and love. We may never be able to recover..
The RNC in-fighting is on purpose! Sure they would like to win the election, but only if it's one of there beholdin' good ole boys.

The RNC would rather lose to Hilary than see Trump win.

The GOP and the Dems are in bed with eachother (how else could Obama get away with so much, and no 'real' senate investagations on him or Hilary)

Trump IS the Independent with mostly conservitive values who wont sell out and eat the sh** to get the RNC support.

I like a government that's afraid of the people. And if the RNC doesn't back Trump there will be rioting in the streets. As there should be!
Sums it up


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