Everyone has to start somewhere (Noobs)


Active Member
Went hunting for the first time this weekend. We went for rabbits, but ended up getting ground squirrels. We had watched Meateater Season 8 episode 1, so we knew squirrels are on the menu for people, but it was a first. My sons skinned, cleaned and deep fried the squirrels with enthusiasm. A good time was had by all. We were a little outside Julian, but we are going to look for areas with less ground cover. We would see the rabbits for a fraction of a second, and then they were in their holes (or at least away from us).

Special thanks to @surfcity for helping us out.

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Monyako welcome to SCH! That is awesome that you got out wit the kids. Also congrats on the first kill. Squirrels are edible but ground squirrel is not recommended. What you are seeing eaten on Meateater are tree squirrels specifically fox and gray squirrel. Our ground squirrels carry a lot of disease and are better left where they are shot. I think you guys will be fine though. But for future reference don't eat ground squirrel.

Congrats on your hunt stay after the bunnies they are tasty. You will find a few that will stay still long enough for you to get a shot. Make sure you are out at first and last light, that is when rabbits are on the move.

Great to have you on the site keep on posting and keep on hunting.

Welcome to SCH...Be careful when shooting squirrels in the Julian area...There are grey/tree squirrels and there's no season on them here in San Diego Co. (basically all of SoCal).

Like has been mentioned...Do NOT handle the ground squirrels...Bubonic plaque has been detected on GS's in the CNF many times.

Good luck
Getting out and showing yours boys a new skill is what's important! Stick to the bunnies tho..
Had to warn my daughter about those little buggers all weekend because they were all around the lake..she kept asking if she could keep one and I warned her not to get close.
Learned a lot from this thread, never looked into squirrels that much since there's no tree squirrel season here
Cooked thoroughly, you should be fine. For future reference, let let the crows and coyotes have em.
Story ~ When I was young I was alone out in the middle of no where, no food on me, Rifle, side arm and Knife, and Matches, water was plentiful, I was hungry, and tired,
I shot a ground squirrel, cleaned it and cooked it, ate it, I am still alive, threw in the fire (Back then it was ok to make a wood fire) killed every thing on it, skinned it and cleaned it.
cooked it and ate it, not the best but when you are hungry you will eat anything. 50 years later still alive. no ill effects. 1 was 15 YO and no one said I could not eat it.
if it crawled , walked or run I would of probably have ate it. it was on the greasy side. would I do it now, only if I had no choice and was starving.
Got the grandson out on his first ever hunt. He went three for three, then he came back down to earth. So far he has 11, and I have three. Pretty cool for a kid for up until Sunday had never fired a gun. Shooting a river 10-22, scopped. Oh we are hunting rabbits in A z.by the river.
Got the grandson out on his first ever hunt. He went three for three, then he came back down to earth. So far he has 11, and I have three. Pretty cool for a kid for up until Sunday had never fired a gun. Shooting a river 10-22, scopped. Oh we are hunting rabbits in A z.by the river.
Ruger 10-22
Glove up and drown fleas in a bucket of soapy water. A lot of effort for the meat, but I think they taste better than cottontails.
last deer I killed was crawling with ticks, I wanted to keep the hide, I bagged it until home, then I soaked in brine, killed them all.
Ruger 10-22
Got the grandson out on his first ever hunt. He went three for three, then he came back down to earth. So far he has 11, and I have three. Pretty cool for a kid for up until Sunday had never fired a gun. Shooting a river 10-22, scopped. Oh we are hunting rabbits in A z.by the river.
Carters first ever kill. Very proud and happy for him. He end the hunt with 17.

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