Fathers Day - Family Time in D15


Well-Known Member
This year Mama offered the suggestion of them going on a hike with me out in D15. Granted this was simply a recreational hike of more limited distance to ensure they had a good experience first time out. And Mama could finally take her new Jeep out into the forest.

Favorite moment of the day?

Looking over and seeing my Wife's face just light-up with glee at seeing a group of several bunnies running out of the grasses and scurrying out in front of the car for a few seconds along the forest road

We saw:

Bunnies 15, Quail 5, Doves 4-6?, Squirrels-4, Roadrunner-1, Hawks (up close-ish 2), Lizards, Frog, and a younger adult Rattle Snake (4ft away from my boy that they hadn't noticed, HA! He had maybe 1.25in of rattles, was *maybe* 2.25ft-2.5ft long. Movin' away slow and quiet!)

BUT THEN... We get to our destination...

I can NOT.... FREAKING BELIEVE.... some A**HOLE.... dumped their CharCoal ashes onto the Rocks by this water-way...on top of like a 4" diameter Branch!!! Burned wood out there in the rocks!!!... AND THEN.... didn't make sure the damn ASHES WERE OUT!!!

What kinda MORON are YOU!?!?!?!?!?

Sooo TOTALLY could have started a MAJOR Forest Fire!! With the way the wind goes thru that location. blowing up the hills!

I feel certain the Universe saw fit to have Me and my Family go out there today.

Using a damn VONS bag (among the many other things they just left out there... such as an old beat to hell Charcoal Grill(which I carried down back outta there so some other idiot wouldn't come along and try the same stupid stunt)... Beers, Cigs, Water Bottles, Corn Cobs, Starburst Wrappers, Busted Liquor Bottle (pssh of course) and.. a pair of Shorts??)

Over and Over I kept carrying bagfuls of water and pouring them onto the ashes... Steam and Heat rushing back off the ashes!

Very Clearly the 4" diameter branch they'd put across those dumped out Charcoal ashes, was still smoldering its embers underneath the ash surface BIG TIME. Those stone surfaces where crazy hot and steaming the water a number of feet up from the ash!

I cannot believe there are Humans that freaking INSANELY STUPID out there. I mean... COME ON!!... if you're old enough to start a fire... and old enough to somehow acquire Liquor... you're old enough to know better... that in SoCal... that is something you just don't do in the Wild!!!

'Da Hell You THANKIN'??? FOO'!!!

For my Families sake... I'm just glad the Universe saw fit to have them not be there when I arrived. Grrrr....

Well... if anything... at least I got to model proper respect of Nature for my boy to observe. So I guess that's the silver lining there.

(You can see part of that stupid grill in the upper left-hand corner of this pic)

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Several times when I arrive at that location... you'll find in the parking area wrappers from weed edibles, lots of liqour stuff in the trash can or empty ZigZag or Phillies rolling papers. Found a small stuffed animal on more than one occasion, the kind young adults might get for their girlie.

Sprig I think we're on the same wavelength re: whom the probable culprits were. I vehemently despise folks that create "Diaper Alleys" out in Nature.

I'd be extremely surprised if a tweaker would bring Corn on the Cob out into nature. Let alone be able to cook something.
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