Fight these gun laws



Protect the Freedom to Hunt

Lawmakers in California are playing political games trying to pass legislation to tax law-abiding gun owners!

Assembly Bill 1223, legislation to impose a new excise tax of 10% of the sales price of a handgun and 11% of the sales price of a long gun, rifle, firearm precursor part, and ammunition bill FAILED to reach the 2/3rd vote needed on the Assembly Floor on June 3rd with a vote of 46 YES, 20 NO AND 13 ABSTAIN.

However, certain lawmakers are desperate to get this bill advanced, and put an urgency clause in the bill this week to bypass the normal deadline period for bills advancing out of the Assembly. This bill will now be eligible to be voted on anytime they are in session.

This bill will raise costs associated with hunting and recreational target shooting and does nothing to significantly reduce crime as portrayed by the bill sponsor - all at a time when California has a HUGE budget surplus.

Sportsmen and women in California already pay both sales and excise taxes when purchasing firearms and ammunition. In fact, since 1937, hunters have contributed billions of dollars to state level wildlife conservation efforts across the country through excises taxes levied through the Pittman-Robertson Act. This bill would unjustly impose more taxes without contributing to conservation.

California lawmakers need to hear from you. Click the link below to oppose this legislation.
Here is the link to the recorded vote. If your Assembly Member voted YES, email them today and urge them to vote NO when it comes back up! If you're Assembly Member voted NO or abstained - thank them, and urge them to again vote NO the next time it comes up!

Click the link above and urge your California Assembly Members to OPPOSE AB1223.
Safari Club International | 501 2nd Street NE | Washington, D.C. 20002
As an addendum, if you want to hunt 10 years from now and if you want your children to have the opportunity to hunt when they grow up, you had better join every organization that supports hunting, and join now. The future of hunting [and probably fishing] is in the hands of politicians and the only way to fight is to become part of the political process. Some of you old veterans at this fight--- what organizations would you recommend that members of SCH join?
As an addendum, if you want to hunt 10 years from now and if you want your children to have the opportunity to hunt when they grow up, you had better join every organization that supports hunting, and join now. The future of hunting [and probably fishing] is in the hands of politicians and the only way to fight is to become part of the political process. Some of you old veterans at this fight--- what organizations would you recommend that members of SCH join?


Here in California, the 3 most active and politically savvy are CWA (California Waterfowl Assoc.), SCI (Safari Club Int.) and CRPA (California Rifle & Pistol Assoc.)...And of course, EVERYONE should belong to the NRA.

Here in California, the 3 most active and politically savvy are CWA (California Waterfowl Assoc.), SCI (Safari Club Int.) and CRPA (California Rifle & Pistol Assoc.)...And of course, EVERYONE should belong to the NRA.
@doccherry I would add firearm policy coalition. Gun owners of [San Diego, California, and America] do a great job as well and should come before Negotiating Rights Away in any conversation. NRA still has its place for now, but supported red flag laws (gun confiscation), bump stock bans, and the list goes on, not to mention there financial impropriety ($300k suits for Wayne, $5 million dollar salaries, etc.). NRA is in hot legal water right now and a Texas judge just read them the riot act over their attempted bankruptcy. FPC and GOA are currently smaller but gaining steam without compromising 2A rights.

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I know all this stuff against the NRA right now sounds bad...BUT...Do not kid yourself for a split second that heavy hitting dems/libs are behind this attempted break-up of the largest PRO GUN organization.