For you long range boys....Kapoow!


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ISIS Member Teaching Beheading Class Gets Shot in Head By SAS Sniper

They say that karma is a, well I'm pretty sure we all know the rest of that one. It couldn't have been any more accurate than in this story about the elimination of a notorious ISIS member by an SAS sniper.
The sniper was operating with more than a dozen other SAS soldiers outside a small village in northern Syria.

That village was the site that the now-deceased ISIS member was holding a class for 20 other jihadists on how to decapitate captured victims. It was during that class that the SAS sniper sent his first round down range. That first round was all it took as it made contact with the target's head which was immediately separated from the body of the ISIS member.
It is reported that the decapitated ISIS member had his arm raised in a cutting motion at the moment the bullet impacted. The 20 other jihadists taking part in the drill could only look on in terror as their leader's head ceased to exist.

Once the shock of the incident wore off, all 20 jihadists took off running in panic and fear and have reportedly deserted the jihadi cause.
"We later heard most of the recruits deserted. We got rid of 21 terrorists with one bullet," said a military insider according to the Daily Mail.
The SAS strike team that the sniper was a part of had set up in the area 12 hours prior to the shot being fired. According to reports, two four-man teams crept into a jihadi compound to set up for the shot. Both teams were being backed up by another 12 man unit of SAS commandos for extraction in case things went south.
The SAS sniper was using a suppressed Dan .338 rifle and fired the killing shot at a range of 4,000 feet. He had to hold over a foot of windage for his shot to hit the intended target, but the windy conditions didn't affect his accuracy at all. That becomes even more impressive with the knowledge that he was using a bullet specially designed to tumble through the air to cause more on-target damage.

It was thought that it would take two shots to take out the ISIS member, but the sniper only needed one. The member of ISIS that was eliminated was known as the local executioner of the area and was a feared ISIS recruiter. The bearded man, also known by the name Dash, made himself an easy target due to wearing white robes instead of the usual black worn by ISIS jihadists.
"He was an extremely sadistic and ruthless individual, feared by the locals and the jihadis alike," one Daily Express source said.
The world is undoubtedly a slightly better place now that the SAS sniper's mission was a success. This story might sound like something you'd see in a movie, especially with the irony of it, but it actually happened and the world now has one less terrorist to worry about.

The world is undoubtedly a slightly better place now that the SAS sniper's mission was a success. This story might sound like something you'd see in a movie, especially with the irony of it, but it actually happened and the world now has one less terrorist to worry about.
I read this and without offense to anyone. I believe we are doing the right thing with how we progress with this war on terrorism but I believe we should not celebrate the death of another human being regardless of there belief's. While it may be in the best interest of mankind and the right thing to do in the face of what of we deal with these days and in the past, In my opinion it is never a good thing when a human dies at the hands of another. I'm a Christian and it tell's us that as well as in the Q'uoren (please excuse if I did not spell Q'ueran correctly we should not kill one another) My father fought in WW 2, Korea and Vietnam and was a pilot in the Navy and never had to face death close face to face bur lost many friend's and raised me to believe that taking another's life was the last resort to saving live's and was something we should never celebrate... Sorry to piss any off here but death of anything even an animal that is proclaimed to be our's to do with as we want should not be taken lightly.

With all due respect....Celebrating?....Just fighting fire with fire....These people ARE animals....When you have a rabid dog, you do what you have to do....How many good Christians (or Muslims) lives are saved by eliminating this rabid dog?

I think Sgt. York said....I killed, so I could save the lives of others.

anyone or religion that wants to cut your head off and piss down your throat because they don’t like the way you live your life should be met with the same.

Why do we have to be civil when they will broadcast your beheading on the internet so the whole world can see.
I read this and without offense to anyone. I believe we are doing the right thing with how we progress with this war on terrorism but I believe we should not celebrate the death of another human being regardless of there belief's. While it may be in the best interest of mankind and the right thing to do in the face of what of we deal with these days and in the past, In my opinion it is never a good thing when a human dies at the hands of another. I'm a Christian and it tell's us that as well as in the Q'uoren (please excuse if I did not spell Q'ueran correctly we should not kill one another) My father fought in WW 2, Korea and Vietnam and was a pilot in the Navy and never had to face death close face to face bur lost many friend's and raised me to believe that taking another's life was the last resort to saving live's and was something we should never celebrate... Sorry to piss any off here but death of anything even an animal that is proclaimed to be our's to do with as we want should not be taken lightly.

No worries, no offense.
But we are at war..
These people want to eliminate all Christians and Jews alike.
We can not fight with our hands tied behind our backs.
Eye for eye , tooth for tooth.
This is survival of our descendants.