Got er done in the 16 finally!!

My partner and I got into our spot at around 0620 on opening day, at around 0800 I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket retrieve phone and see that it is the wife calling so I answer in a real quiet voice and she laughs about the way I answer, we chit chat for a few minutes and then puts me on with my 6 y/o daughter, I talk to her for a minute say our goodbyes and hang up, not ten minutes later I see movement from my left, bring up the binos and confirm that it is a shooter, bring my rifle up and rest it on the rock in front me, wait for deer to come into clearing right below me and pull the trigger. Bang! Deer drops where it was standing and my season is over by 0820. I have been hunting the 16 for 6 years now without any luck, but finally got it done this year.20191026_085639.jpgimagejpeg_0(70).jpg
awesome!!! big congrats on getting it done. The family phone call gave you the luck!!
Congratulations! It took me quite awhile to get it done for the first time in D16 as well. Nice buck.