Hey there!


New Member
Hi everyone,

I joined the forum some time ago but didn't get into hunting and didn't really post anything.

Some background on me; I live in the San Fernando Valley and have been in SoCal for about 7 years now. Before that I was in Fort Hood and Dallas, TX. I was in the Army for 4 years from 2002-2006 as a Combat Engineer. I work in the digital media space and love my awesome hour and fifteen minute commute to Mid Wilshire everyday! I took up Sporting Clays and Trap last year and it hooked me on clay shooting! I currently shoot my 12 gauge 32 inch Browning Citori 725 and I'm not that horrible!

I've been wanting to get into hunting for awhile, so I've been doing my research on this and other sites. I'm hoping to meet someone on here that is looking for a Upland hunting buddy.
Hey buddy. Welcome. Not many people here representing LA county. Nice to see another SFV guy. I live in the valley also or atleast on the edge against the mountains. (fires, storms, and mud slides) I love upland hunting and clays. I hunt with my wife 16yr old son and my gsp I'm always open to meeting new people especially locals.
Thanks for the welcome everyone! This site and forum is so informative. I'm having a really great time on it.

GSPman - Cool, another person in the valley! Living on the edges of the valley can be treacherous huh? I remember being at my in-law's house in Granada Hills and you could see the top of the valley walls glowing with fire. Crazy. We should meet up for a drink sometime and meet in person.
I'm not a member anywhere so I'm pretty open. That being said, I usually make the drive to Triple B since they have a pretty nice Sporting Clays course and voice automated Trap. I've been to Moore n Moore twice though so we can do that. Do you usually go on the weekend?
uve never beeen to triple bs. I usually hunt oak tree since its just up the 5 the sporting clays in up on the top of the mountian. very nice place. they have trap and skeet as well as full rifle pistol and archery range's
Welcome to SCH Socal_Sapper. Looks like SCH is already paying dividends for you. That is what it is all about!