How’s your quail season going?

Beautiful pics! I’m seeing mostly very small coveys, especially as the season winds down. Larger coveys in areas that are difficult to hunt. Some winter and spring rains would really help.
Outstanding hunts.. I haven't gone out for quail this season but buddies tell me numbers are still down around here.

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Great job, great pix and good looking dog! I'm heading out this weekend, Saturday and Sunday morning. My dog hasn't hunted quail (that i know of, bought her 'used' ;)) we'll see how she does.
My season has been like a kick to the bolas.... I hope to get out once or twice more before season ends. all my hunting partners are out of action this season so I can't penetrate deep into my usual remote places.
Looks like you've got some good days in! My season has not been as good as last year but I've also been focusing on new areas.
Gave it one last try this morning and nothing. My first season since the fall of Saigon, that I have not taken quail or chukar. At least the high desert and mountains are saturated with water....

Gonna go look at stuff tomorrow at the OC Gun show.
Nice job and great photos. Good looking dog!
Wow beautiful photos! I just got back from up near Hurst Castle, was scouting for some other critters and encountered the fattest covey of Quail I've ever seen. They looked like Softballs with legs lol Definitely going back next season for a go at it.
Envious of your season. Got burglarized in last March. Just got to see two of my guns this week. If you haven't been a good little brown shirt and registered your guns with the state (bought before 2013) vee haf weys of punishing you. And they do with endless forms over property I own. If you are not aware, before 2013 bozos weren't registering. All that money you paid and forms you signed? Apparently didn't mean much.

But they are happy to take your money now offering no promises. Isn't that just great? 4th generation but I am giving up.

I so wanted to get back to the spot I found with 100 bird coveys. But I know that with the recent rains it would be practically snowed in. But there will be a next year. And I can't imagine what all this rain will do for these birds.

Looking forward to next season.