
Staff member
Mar 2, 2011
Just to give you an idea of the kind of people running the HSUS. These people are some of the most corrupt people living within the boundaries of the United States. They are actually parasites that feed on peoples emotions.

This is the reason why we all need to be involved. This is why we need to come together as hunters and not just sit back and read these posts. Be involved in the community around you. Support the organizations that support us. To many of us just sit around and then complain later. Don't complain when things change if you don't get involved.
Wayne Pacelle is public enemy number one to the hunting community.
Lungpopper said:
Just to give you an idea of the kind of people running the HSUS. These people are some of the most corrupt people living within the boundaries of the United States. They are actually parasites that feed on peoples emotions.

Talked to a friend of mine with DFW and from the sounds of it HSUS is very well connect within the DFW. To the point where HSUS is training the wardens and having seats within the planning committees. Unfortunately they have also been throwing money at the DFW to basically buy their way into to decision making within the state government.
Remember HSUS has been at this for years and we still are just getting our shit together.

I agree we all need to make a difference.......I also feel we need to inform the weekend hunter and the public The general public has no idea that hunters are conservationist first and for most. The public thinks we are just killers and are shocked when we show compassion towards the game we hunt. Things will change just don't expect it to happen over night. We have an uphill battle but that's the norm for most of us that hunting is our passion.
"Still getting our stuff together".

That's the problem. The enemy is organized and they aren't waiting.

I posted recently on another board, of which some of you are members, about the wildlife commission's meeting Jan. 15th. I was and am concerned about HSUS buying the commission's vote to ban the use of dogs to hunt birds.

Out of several pages of mostly off topic comments the majority who posted were all talking about moving out of state.

That's a big help. No wonder HSUS is so successful. Hunters don't seem to care.

Do they?
They've been saying that for years but are still here.

It will take time to get back on track and stop the HSUS......oh yea and lots of money! People are working on in and we should be better prepared for the next F&G commission meeting
Another reason why HSUS is doing so well is because of the ol mighty dollar. They are backed with a lot of money, probably more so then many of the pro hunting organization. Just watch their commercials, it tugs at peoples emotions just like their argument. I'm afraid that the minority group of hunters in Ca needs more financial backing and backing from much stronger politicians.
Keep talking about it in yourselves. It will go away, right?

To quote Saturday Night Fame: "Yeah, that's the ticket"
Matagi said:
Talked to a friend of mine with DFW and from the sounds of it HSUS is very well connect within the DFW. To the point where HSUS is training the wardens and having seats within the planning committees. Unfortunately they have also been throwing money at the DFW to basically buy their way into to decision making within the state government.
This is so frustrating!!! this same exact info was released about 5 years ago and no one fights back. everyone gets all puffed up when they first hear it and then it just gets pushed out of the spot light, or it never makes it to the spot light. I tell everyone I know about this crap. Especially the one whos wives donate thinking they are helping homeless puppies. What is most frustrating about this is they know we are not organized and will not be able to stop them. I would like to know why the NRA and the SCI with there billions of dollars which the outdoor community gave them are not spending money on this stuff. there is a huge battle to be fought in Sacramento and I don't think they are present. They have the resources to run tv commercials for the opposing side. The general public has no idea where the donations go. NRA, and SCI need to turn the focus from Washington, and stop them in Sacramento. Or maybe they already made a deal behind closed doors and gave the antis CA.( just my opinion.)
According to the NRA they spend more on CA than they take in.......go to the website and sign up for email alerts to keep informed.
MJB said:
According to the NRA they spend more on CA than they take in.......go to the website and sign up for email alerts to keep informed.
I hope that's true. I feel totally abandoned here. I know this state is the breeding ground for the antis, And to be able to stop them here would benefit the entire country.
humanwatch.org is a great organization that's starting to go big with bringing the HSUS and their fraudulent behavior in the spotlight.
But like clothes thrown on the floor, let's wait for Mom to pick them up.
Matagi said:
humanwatch.org is a great organization that's starting to go big with bringing the HSUS and their fraudulent behavior in the spotlight.

Thanks Matagi. I found humanwatch on Facebook too. Good to get updates and get the word out to my non-hunting family and friends.


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