Hunters Safety Class tomorrow 8/23 in murrieta


Lots of new guys here so i thought i would throw this out just in case someone needs to take the class

sorry i didnt post this sooner....but...there is a hunter safety class class tomorrow in murrieta, taking my grandkids..class starts at 8:00 am ... can just show up

Hi, future hunters!
1)Class will be held on 8/23/2014 at my garage.
2) You may e-mail me your name and phone number for registration or just show up.
3)Also, if student is under 18 years old, his or her parents or guardian should
sign the form before class begins.
4) It never happened before. However, California Department of Fish and Game required
' minimum number of students per class is three'. So, you are encouraged to bring more students
with you to prevent the cancellation of scheduled class.
5) Class fee is $$20 .
6) Bring your own lunch or lunch money with you.
7) Bring your own beach chair and pencil.
8) I do not handle on-line class.
9) If you have a group which is more than 8 persons, a special class schedule may be arranged.
Time: from 8:00 AM to 7:00 Pm on 8/23/2014
Location: 29775 Hunter Road, Murrieta, CA. 92563

Simon email [email protected]
California Certified Hunter Safety Class Instructor