Idaho duck hunting - any advice?


I have hunted Wister and San Jacinto for 15+ years. I just recently moved to Boise, Idaho. Can anyone help give me the big picture on how things work here?

It seems like there isn’t anywhere really like a Wister with a reservation system and large number of ponds. Idaho has WMAs that seem to be first come, first served. I scouted Monitor, Payette, and Ft. Boise WMAs last weekend. They seemed totally dead. No flights of ducks and little shooting. I saw a tiny bit of activity at Ft. Boise. But, nothing worth getting excited about. Next weekend, I’m checking out CJ Strike.

It’s all pretty underwhelming. But, I’m not sure if I’m looking in the right places.

Can anyone give me the low down?
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I hear its gets good closer to Thanksgiving out here. I wanted to check out Ft. Boise and CJ as well. I hunted the Snake last year a couple times but wasn't that productive. Only managed 2 mallards. My friends buddy got two limits of green heads at lake lowel last week but I hear it gets hit hard. I plan to try it out in the next couple weeks. There are some patches of flooded timber around the lake. Let me know you want to link up sometime.

I also hear the north side of lake Cascade can be productive up in the mud flats.

Best of luck.
See Dave, Cali ain't so bad..... :joy:

All kidding aside, I would imagine Idaho is similar to Montana...I drive ALOT to find places to waterfowl hunt, since in the Great Falls area there's only two WMA's...Freezeout and Benton...And, Benton hasn't been hunted for the last 3 years (dry).

In our area, we have the Missouri River...I don't know how far you from the Snake, but that's where I'd start watching birds that roost there...Honkers may be your best bet too.

Hagerman is the big waterfowling area west of you...It's about an 1 1/2 hour drive from Boise...Far less than Wister for most of us...Check it out...I have friends there and they say it's pretty epic in numbers of birds.

Good luck

@ilovesprig I got to hunt Shaws place about 10 years ago. 20ga only and you better not miss. More green then anyplace I have ever seen. Its the only place I have ever hunted that I would take over where I hunt now.

ok about the rivers in Idaho, use great care! The snake is only river that has scared me. 15' boat with a mud motor that did not want to run right( not my boat) wind came up and lets just say it got sporty very quick!!!!!!
Thanks for all the great replies. That really helps. I'll check out Hagerman. Aeon, I agree. I have a healthy respect / fear of the snake river. Unfortunately, I don't own a boat. So, I think the rules out the snake for me.

Wister was great. So many good memories. Physically, CA is an awesome state. It is the liberal politics that has destroyed it.
Not having a boat rules out 90% of the decent spots. Tough sledding in the walk-in areas with the other 10K people. Lowell and the WMAs are cool if you like hunting 7ft from people…not exaggerating.

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Man. 7 feet apart? If I didn’t know better, it seems like you are describing Niland dove on a WU field opening morning.

Worse. 3in mags hurt a lot more than 8 shot. Add the insanity of people blowing a call non stop that sound worse than a kids kazoo. Oh yeah, if birds work they’ll shoot 100 yards up. Dove fields in the IV are sooo much more pleasant. I have a place in Bruneau from when I was stationed at Mt Home. Can’t wait to get back. Two or three weeks a year out there during duck season isn’t enough.

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100 yard shots. Now, you are reminding me of San Jacinto! Haha.

I appreciate the straight talk even if it is not encouraging.

What do you think of the duck hunting at CJ Strike and Hagerman? Is it any better there?
I’m not trying to be sarcastic but have you ever seen CJ Strike? It’s a giant reservoir that’s super deep with vertical high cliff lava rock walls. I’m not sure where you plan on hunting. Hagerman… unless you have 20-50K to buy into one of those clubs your only option there is the snake with no walk in areas I’m aware of. Add in the fact every person on every waterfowl forum regarding Idaho name drops it. It’s a zoo. I grew up in San Diego and started hunting lake henshaw and San Jacinto when I was 6. I’ll tell you this, SoCal duck hunting is way easier with assigned ponds and blind averages.

The first thing I did when I moved to Idaho is buy a jon boat and a 8hp outboard. I killed a lot of birds and almost died every weekend but I was 21 and invincible. Whoever said the snake river is a mean bitch wasn’t lying. It’s scary. 2 Ft to 20ft with one step and a raging current.

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I have not seen CJ strike or Hagerman. I just moved to Eagle in June. I scouted Monitor, Payette, and Ft. Boise last weekend. It was very underwhelming. I was planning to drive to Hagerman this weekend. But, now I think my wisest bet will be to learn how to play pickleball (my sarcasm).

I’m really starting to miss sweat lining Wister right now after a 3.5 hour bumper to bumper drive on a Friday evening. I didn’t know those were the good ole days!

Is there any non-snake River advice? I don’t have anywhere to put a boat if I bought one.
I’m sorry. SW idaho is basically a desert with very little water outside the snake. The only reason there is a migration is the river and corn. Additionally, once good weather arrives all those spots will be frozen solid and duckless.

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