I'm on the board!


Well-Known Member
Didn't even begin to use my calls either! Had Does feeding about 25yds away from me this AM. They'd occasionally lookup with alert, probably when my scent might go their direction (the wind sure seemed to be blowing from them to me though, or the sound of my breathing perhaps? My lungs are clogged with "lung-butter" at the moment, so wondered if they heard that when I breathed. Anyhoo they'd look up.. and be looking right in my direction! But the 3D Leafy suit just kept working like a charm! They eventually choose to move along and feed on over to another clump of oaks not far way. Figured I'd see them when I leave in the PM. Sure enough... they'd only gone like maybe 76yard further down the line.

Anyhoo, I'm waiting now between 2p and 3:30p for this spot to move back into shade. Its like 85F so it's barely doable, so I'm just trying to hangout and wait. Well... about 2:30pm... from the same bushes the Does crept in from... I see something little making it way on in! Then I see the tail! OH Wow... Ok Cool it's a Bobcat! Had figured I was going to begin calling for them in the PM, Now I didn't even have to! I'm watching him exit those bushes, and he makes his way to the tree I normally strap the TrailCam onto. So I hurry to stand-up from my chair so I can see him a bit better with all the dried grasses there are now. At first the 223 Rem. is at the lowest magnification, which is the 2 of the 2-7x. I raise up on him... hrmm.. can't make him out behind the grasses, (even though I can see him outside of the scope) better bump it up to 4x. Gotta re-find him with my eyes, then Ok, I'm on him again in the scope. He'd passed behind that TrailCamera tree so I had opportunity to get a bead on him. BOOM! Ah man!!! Dang It!!! I'd forgotten how when you're that close to the target ya gotta remember about how the scope is 1.5" above the barrel, so it misses! Cat leaps forward... turns to view the plume of dust from the ground, THEN turns to look where it might have come from. Turns to looks RIGHT AT ME!! But thanks to the 3D LEAFY GEAR and freezing for a second, TOTALLY DOES NOT SE ME! I have to watch and wait for the cat to either look down now or go behind a tree to be able to slooooowly extract the spent round and jack in a new one....oh sweet!... he changed direction and now went behind that tree again! Hehe MISTAKE!! I uber slowly jack the next round in so no noise. He steps out from behind that tree again, this time I'm reminding myself "Gotta aim the 1.5 higher G!!" BOOM!!!! Spine shot, a lil behind the scapulas. He immediately drops, and drops out of view within the grasses. I hold... waiting to see if he'll bolt or anything. Ok...cool.. not getting up. I go over there, his nerves are on auto-pilot and he's like gasping for breath every few seconds (though lungs not filling up with air) and the tips of the paws are acting like they'd be trying to run away. He does this a few more seconds (the chest not rising). I'm seeing all those teeth and I'm like NOPE! I ain't pickin' him up until I can touch his eye with rifle and no more reaction happens. Touched 1st time... yet another gasp re-action, with an angry-pissed-off scowl to the cheeks! Wait a few more seconds...Ok... touched his eyeball... finally no reaction. Carefully reach down... pull back on his hind legs a lil bit... observe/assess? Ok cool.... he's down! Pictures, gut him, then hurry up and pack-up everything back into the pack. AS I start making my way back outta there along my typical exit trail... sure enough... I bump those two Does from earlier. Makes me smile :). Was almost able to arrive at the truck before light finally gave out.

And this is what he looked like when I walked up to him. (I know HATCHET is fond of those shots!)

Like I said... Almost made it back to truck before nightfall...
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Atta boy Larry, any plans to eat bob? How will you cook him up?the hmong eat domestic house cat, cant be that bad, tastes like chicken im told..looking forward to the culinary novel that will follow the kill. Way to get bob before gavins law took effect.
Makes me think of a timeless classic "Why must I be Like that... Why must I chase the Cat?.... Nothin' but the Dog in Me!" - Atomic Dog
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Atta boy Larry, any plans to eat bob? How will you cook him up?the hmong eat domestic house cat, cant be that bad, tastes like chicken im told..looking forward to the culinary novel that will follow the kill. Way to get bob before gavins law took effect.

The meat looks really good! His organs looked very healthy. Very pristine. Definitely going to consume the meat. As far as how it'll be cooked? Meh... guess it depends on how much yield I see when processing him. If I can I'd like to enjoy some cuts as steaks. Like maybe the hind legs. For the rest? I figure maybe do like with rabbits. Do a small crockpot with stronger more earthy spices in it, like Cumin, Tomato Buillion, and a few dashes of Sriracha. Maybe served over some rice cooked with Saffron and Basil.
Right on nice work G dog! Hope to see one before the deadline. I hear you can prepare them like mountain lion which is usually prepared similar to pork from what I read. Report back! I'm curious on what you end up doing with it.
That’s really cool. Congratulations. Still got my tag and hopefully will come across one before the end. Loved the post, great read.
Looks to be about the size of a domestic house cat? Does your taxi charge by manikin size or flat rate? Cats ive had done are usually by size.. Definitely good to have a Ca. Cat done..last of the bobs. Way to get after it Larry.
RE: Size - Um... I'm gonna guesstimate somewhere in the area of 16-20Lbs. My Rat Terrier is 25 Lbs and a good bit more stout than this thing was. And she's just a hair more in length than the Bobcat.

Just finished oh so carefully removing the hide per the Taxi's instructions. And to make it less risky on my end... I opted NOT to cut down the legs. I just carefully skinned the hide off them and seperated the foot joint when I got to it. Did an excellent job on the skinning! That guy will barely have to do ANY fleshing! Since I was taking it extra slow. Only on the cut I did in the field was there any bits of muscle left on the skin.

Gonna have him strip the tail. So I just cut the vertebrae and left them in it.

I noticed, while doing this job, that I like the Havalon for some things, but I really like the Outdoor Edge for skinning, especially in places like the brisket or neck where there's a tendency for thin sheets of muscle tissue to want remain on the skin if you're not going extra slow and careful. The shape of the Outdoor Edge blade is really great for avoiding any unwanted nicks or cuts!20191111_221934.jpg
That’s really cool. Congratulations. Still got my tag and hopefully will come across one before the end. Loved the post, great read.

For sure.. I'm just shocked to see one without calling it in! Although... in that area in the past I've seen them at distance. The Year I got my first deer, 2015... on the night I got that deer...sundowns approaching... I turn to look-out over this larger meadow in the area... FML... I see either a pregnant, or just ate something hugely belly-filling Bobcat! I hadn't seen a damn thing all that day up til that point. So that sighting got me all P.O'd and I got to thinking darn it she's probably why I haven't seen anything all day! They probably seen or smelled her around and bounced outta there. Brooding over thoughts of just packing it in and going home, since there was that weekend, then only 1 more... I convinced myself that I need to see this thru... to put in the maximum effort... to stay until end of legal shooting light.

So...grumbling to myself... I stay. Maybe 10 minutes later I'm feeling it again and I'm like "Pssh.. man.. screw this... I'm outta here." So as I grab the Tripod stool... when I go to "rip" the Velcro strap to wrap it around to close it up... I heard a game sound emanate from over on the other side of some stones I was sitting upon. I quickly turned and leaned to look over that other direction... I see this body and booty... sticking out from behind a tree. Up until that point I'd never seen a buck in person before... but I just knew from noticing how much meatier it looked compared to all the Does I'd seen, that it had to be a buck! So total Ninja... I leaned WAY forward (over my pack and all the junk at my feet) at like 45 degree angle to reach and silently wrap my arm around and under my rifle which was rested up above upon a stone that came to a little below shoulder height.

I put the crosshairs on the tree trunk at about where I thought the shoulder line should emerge... and I wait.. and I wait... and I wait some more. Musta been like 45 seconds he held still!

Then? ... ker-click, ker-click... he takes two steps forward. That's it. Now? I see his head and neck... that's it. And he's staring right at me!

Being my first time... I'm sitting their nervously deliberating if I should just try to pop his head, or maybe his neck? The WHOLE TIME... he was looking Dead at me! (Just 40 yds away) Ultimately I convince myself I should wait until he finally moves and shows his broadside, so I don't risk something like him moving and I blow his jaw off. Figure this is my first time. Better to make it a less risky shot. This time I'm having to wait even longer! Damn... musta been a full 60 seconds he stood there... staring right at me! I'm even having to worriedly tell myself to calm down and breathe more shallow and slower so he doesn't end up seeing my chest moving and spook.

Eventually... an eternity later... he relaxes his eyes and starts to rotate his head back down and forward and simultaneously begins to walk forward. the moment I see that I'm instantly moving the crosshairs down and over from his neck to the lung area, and not wanting to blow this chance in the not so large opening between the two trees, I quickly squeezed it off knowing it was for sure in the general area, though it should have been a bit lower and slightly more forward optimally.

One of a few memories in my mind I'll never forget!
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