Junior Hunt Blues


So today me and my father went out at o'dark 30 for a junior turkey hunt. We got in our homemade ground blind at 6:00 and got ready for the morning flydown. Nothing. Not a peep, not a bird, nothing. We assumed that all the Toms were already hen'ed up and decided to stick it out for the long run. At around 9:15 we heard a gobble and decided he show was back on. We called back softly and got another gobble about 400 yards out. We tried to avoid calling too much but still remained persistent. After talking to this gobbler for 25 minutes he was approx. 200 yards. Then out of nowhere it went silent for 10 minutes. Then 20 minutes. We were hoping that meant he was coming in silent and was closing distance. We kept waiting, set up for the gobbler. About 30 minutes later we heard a gobble way out, maybe 500 yards or more. Darn!!! This turkey done took these boys to school. I guess thats what we get for trying to call a turkey through a barb wire fence. Oh well. We stuck it out in that spot until 2. I guess thats how it goes in the turkey woods. Guess this bird gets to live to another day.
Sounds like a good time in the woods......Sounds like he might have picked a hen in between....... ???