Junior hunt reservations


Well-Known Member
Anyone know how to apply for reservations for the junior hunt at the Jac or Wister? Are they going to hold a junior hunt?

I see where I can apply for Delevan but no option for Wister or the Jac.......?????
Are you signed into system as the youth hunter?

I believe you only see youth hunts avail if you are logged in on a youth hunters account?
Hey Rick, hope your season is going well....
Yep, signed in as a youth hunter. Like I said, I can see hunt dates for Delevan in the ressi system but nothing for down south......just veteran hunts......
Ok guys,. I figured it out. I couldn't pick those dates because I'm already in for those days. I did a season long pick awhile ago and it included the junior hunt. Duh on my part. Sorry and thanks
Sorry, just posted my own thread and hadnt read this one yet. I did it for my son under his account, hopefully I got it right.