Just out of curiosity, how did you find out about the SCH website?

I'm a little bit old to be hunting these mountains of NM anymore. But I once did. But I still bird hunt.
On our own property. Cali family comes out here to visit every year. We play poker, dang Cali you always take my money lol.
Google search. Been lurking and absorbing a ton of information for a while now. Great site with great information.
On another form board and someone was asking "what happened to ilovesprig". So I searched ilovesprig in Google and found this form board. Come to find out I've been a member here since 2015. I really don't post a lot of things. Just like to read
A fellow member, who is also a fellow member on another site I was on (no it was not ilovesprig), sent me a PM about this one, explaining that I might like the vibe better over here, and he was right.

At the other sight, ya go and ask a sincere question, and that community just seems to revel in busting your balls and being over-bearing d!cks. It's almost like they are purposefully trying to do a "trail-by-fire" thing of roasting a mofo just to see if he'll put up with it... first... before they bother to then finally be ok with you.

They like to be demeaning to those with lesser experience. And also... they seem to have a problem with people who post anything more than a one-line response to anything. That is... unless it's talking about anything related to their favorite community specific Duck-hunting place.
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