We have been at the shop since midnight. Its crazy!

In August 1965, I was working at Dominguez Trap range in Dominguez Hills...The Watts Riots started August 11th...We stood vigil at the range because there was lots of ammo and guns there...Watched the city burn for about a week, 2 miles away.

Wow!...55 years ago, nothing has changed, and still voting for dems.

Stay safe, John... ;)
In August 1965, I was working at Dominguez Trap range in Dominguez Hills...The Watts Riots started August 11th...We stood vigil at the range because there was lots of ammo and guns there...Watched the city burn for about a week, 2 miles away.

Wow!...55 years ago, nothing has changed, and still voting for dems.

Stay safe, John... ;)
I remember those riots well. A major difference today is that these riots are not composed of all or mostly all down trodden black people. A large component of these riots are young white antifa, anarchists, communists, socialists who want to bring America down and make it some socialist pseudo utopia. Most of them are just deluded thugs living well from capitalism but preaching bring it down socialism. They mostly all have thousand dollar iPhones, expensive ripped jeans, $200 running shoes, $100 back packs and on and on. They are increasing in numbers thanks in part to the indoctrination schools and colleges.The ultimate demise of America by these people is what scares the hell out of me and I don’t know that we can stop it but we certainly have to try. Stay strong and vigilant and fight for your beliefs.
Why is it when conservatives rally, usually peacefully, the media sparks fear and says "oh no a scary sight as militia men are gathering" but when Libs/BLM/Antifa violently riot they rush to their defense like "these folks are understandably upset and frustrated with a broken system." What crap!
In August 1965, I was working at Dominguez Trap range in Dominguez Hills...The Watts Riots started August 11th...We stood vigil at the range because there was lots of ammo and guns there...Watched the city burn for about a week, 2 miles away.

Wow!...55 years ago, nothing has changed, and still voting for dems.

Stay safe, John... ;)

Scary no doubt.. my dad and uncle were at USC at the time and I remember them telling me there were LEOs on the dorm roofs patrolling..
I remember those riots well. A major difference today is that these riots are not composed of all or mostly all down trodden black people. A large component of these riots are young white antifa, anarchists, communists, socialists who want to bring America down and make it some socialist pseudo utopia. Most of them are just deluded thugs living well from capitalism but preaching bring it down socialism. They mostly all have thousand dollar iPhones, expensive ripped jeans, $200 running shoes, $100 back packs and on and on. They are increasing in numbers thanks in part to the indoctrination schools and colleges.The ultimate demise of America by these people is what scares the hell out of me and I don’t know that we can stop it but we certainly have to try. Stay strong and vigilant and fight for your beliefs.

And it will continue until Antifa is declared a domestic terrorist group and they get chased down and dealth with as such.
Trump declared ANTIFA a terrorist org this morning. This liberal BS is out of control. My question is, when are patriotic people going to stand up to this? Do we remain quiet because we have something to lose, therefore we deal with it? Enough is enough. I am NOT a racist, democrat or republican. I’m a constitutionalists. An American who sees the value of this country despite its faults. Show me someone or something without fault and I’ll kiss your.. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. God bless or LEO, first responders and military. USA

I remember those riots well. A major difference today is that these riots are not composed of all or mostly all down trodden black people. A large component of these riots are young white antifa, anarchists, communists, socialists who want to bring America down and make it some socialist pseudo utopia. Most of them are just deluded thugs living well from capitalism but preaching bring it down socialism. They mostly all have thousand dollar iPhones, expensive ripped jeans, $200 running shoes, $100 back packs and on and on. They are increasing in numbers thanks in part to the indoctrination schools and colleges.The ultimate demise of America by these people is what scares the hell out of me and I don’t know that we can stop it but we certainly have to try. Stay strong and vigilant and fight for your beliefs.
That's all I seen bunch of young white kids,20200529_190638.jpg this was corner foothill and 15 in rancho Cucamonga they were on every corner, police were staged block away at the onramps to keep them from shutting the freeway down
I think the fire hose thing is a great idea. I remember many years ago fire hoses were the way they controlled crowds and rioters. They take your feet right out from under you and wash you down the street. Non lethal force and you can mow down hundreds at a time. You get hit with a high pressure blast from a fire hose and your desire to cause trouble is gone in a second.
I think the fire hose thing is a great idea. I remember many years ago fire hoses were the way they controlled crowds and rioters. They take your feet right out from under you and wash you down the street. Non lethal force and you can mow down hundreds at a time. You get hit with a high pressure blast from a fire hose and your desire to cause trouble is gone in a second.
Liberals would say that you're wasting water.
Trump declared ANTIFA a terrorist org this morning. This liberal BS is out of control. My question is, when are patriotic people going to stand up to this? Do we remain quiet because we have something to lose, therefore we deal with it? Enough is enough. I am NOT a racist, democrat or republican. I’m a constitutionalists. An American who sees the value of this country despite its faults. Show me someone or something without fault and I’ll kiss your.. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. God bless or LEO, first responders and military. USA

Ask and you shall receive....
Rex Explains a lot of this Horse Pucky... One of you turned me on to this guy and I can not thank you enough.

MSM is not your friend. The talking heads and their producers should be on any list you have. These places need to be the first to pay. As an armature historian what I am seeing is modified Joseph Goebbels programmed wanna be commies. What is black is now white. Labeling God Fearing Americans as white supremacists as a threat to the country is just like saying "The Jews". Don't be fooled by subtly this is all very well orchestrated and planned. "Thats not who we are" "We are the ones we have been waiting for" "This is systemic racism" There was so much incest between MSM and the OBama administration it would astonish you. Those beliefs are prevalent in Big Biz now. Those white kids you see have been indoctrinated with our money.... The black kids I see speaking don't sound like they have had a lick of schooling. There are many ways to fight back, however history isn't on our side. There would have to be an awaking no "empire" has ever done. And like the Romans they got fat lazy and stupid. Now take a look around you and tell me what you see? The sacrifice this country's people would have to make just wouldn't happen. God Bless all of you. Cover each other down there in San Diego. I will pray for you.
Sorry those 3 cops that pinned that guy to the ground were straight up pussies. What kind of cowards continue to push their weight into a man that had long since stopped resisting, was extremely drunk, and had heart issues. Those wimps couldn't handle him a better way when a grown man was suppressed into calling out for his mama. Yeah being LEO is hard job, part of that is not being an abusive, piece of shit that brings shame on the badge and rights you've sworn to uphold. I'll support the law enforcement that deserves support. I don't support the current state of qualified immunity, no knock warrants, civil forfeiture, and the privileged status that many LE benefit from. Who comes and takes your rifle because it has a pistol grip? Who gets to buy guns and magazines we can't? I didn't agree with them trying to keep people off the beaches and parks and I also don't agree with them telling us what hours I need to be inside my home.

The protests have been highjacked by opportunist, criminals, and instigators. They'll probably all have corona in two weeks. Retards.
Lots of veiled comments on here in the past about not so peaceful defense of the second amendment from government overreach, surprised to see such a lack of support for other amendments and rights. Don’t give your fellow citizens rights away to the government simply because of an ideological disagreement.