Less than 50 Days


I don't play nice with baby killing gun grabbers
Well fellow Americans and some who will vote for Biden. I don't consider you Americans.
Here are a few sites that can help you AVOID MSM spin

And for a Bonus you can watch the RIOTS here:

Please share I appreciate it
God Bless and hold on tight
Not trying to steal a thread or anyting, what do you think it's going to happen if/when Trump wins? Do You think there's going to be more riots and looting? Do we even joke about a civil war? Is a civil war even possible?

When Trump wins I think there's going to be some major uproar. There's going to be a major rioting and looting. I'm afraid they're going to Target middle class white America for there rioting and looting. I've taken proper precautions to protect me and my family are my property. If it comes down to me or them, it's going to get real.
I feel pretty safe here in HB. But if you live in Los Angeles or Downtown San Diego...could get ugly. When he does get re elect there is something to consider. He will be a lame duck president which means he doesn't have to worry about getting re elected.....and that means things will get ugly if things get out of hand.
I live in rural Riverside county, so I’m not too worried about sh** going down in my area, but if it does... well, if a .223 can take a chunk out of a guys arm, I’d be curious to see what my .44 mag will do.
I live in rural Riverside county, so I’m not too worried about sh** going down in my area, but if it does... well, if a .223 can take a chunk out of a guys arm, I’d be curious to see what my .44 mag will do.
One bullet travels at 3000 feet per second the other travels at 1250 ....
Sad thing is if everyone would meet him halfway imagine the things that could get done in this country. but the dems are so full of hate it will never happen. the party of tolerance has become the party of hate.
Trump Derangement Syndrome is real. If he just had 50% of the press with him, he could have accomplished quite a bit, in my opinion. Obama had at least 90% of the press with him. Fake news started then, as they seemed to have a personal interest in Obama succeeding, shielding him from bad press and hard questions.

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I have already instructed all my family and close friends to be close to home on election day. This will be sobering moment for our nation , with the mail in ballots and social media the election results could be held hostage for days if not weeks and during this time we should expect an increase in social unrest.

We should be praying for an absolute and total Trump land slide victory , anything else will be call false and theivery !

I truly believe we could see a Trump land slide victory , the mainstream media is doing everything in it's power to pursuade conservatives that its a lost cause and don't waste your time, I truly believe the opposite. I did a weekend trip to the bay area last week , I seen Trump banners and billboards the entire way , from the time I left Upland until I reached Sacramento , I don't recall seeing not one Biden Harris sign or bummper sticker , now that's not the way to predict elections but I just don't see the undertow of support that we seen for Hillary and we beat her and her adgenda .

Stay positive , and get everyone you know to vote and vote in person!
I really dont think anything is going to happen regardless. Trump won the last election despite the fact that Hillary received 2.8 mill more votes...that was pretty bad for the Democrats and other than non violent bitching and moaning nothing happened then.
If he looses how can we think the elections were rigged? Trump has said the electionstions were rigged since he first ran for president and he won....I guess he won a rigged election with 2.8mil votes less..
If Trump keeps his mouth shut he can win..let Biden dig his own grave.
Seriously anyone with a half brain can beat Biden...with 1/2 brain no less than 1/2 though.
I really dont think anything is going to happen regardless. Trump won the last election despite the fact that Hillary received 2.8 mill more votes...that was pretty bad for the Democrats and other than non violent bitching and moaning nothing happened then.
If he looses how can we think the elections were rigged? Trump has said the electionstions were rigged since he first ran for president and he won....I guess he won a rigged election with 2.8mil votes less..
If Trump keeps his mouth shut he can win..let Biden dig his own grave.
Seriously anyone with a half brain can beat Biden...with 1/2 brain no less than 1/2 though.
You have a short memory. They tried everything in the book to keep him from taking office. I don't recall him saying the election was rigged I do recall him saying that he won't concede if he thinks something is fishy. They tried to get him to concede before the election took place. The election was a formality, remember? It was MSM and the Democrats who flipped out when they lost and made a ton of crap up. I guess you don't remember the riots on inauguration day. Do you know the difference between a "Democracy" (a word Alexander Hamilton would punch you in the face for if you brought it up in debate) and a Republic? I will put it as simply as I can: 3 guys and 1 girl are sitting around a table. One guy says "lets rape this woman" She says no way. The guy says lets vote on it and its a 3 to 1 vote in a democracy she would get raped. But in a Republic She has an AR-15 with a 30 rnd Mag. I live in a republic not a democracy! It astonishes me to this day that people don't know the difference. The founder made a point to not let over populated states have all the say in the direction of the country. Thomas Jefferson called big cities festering sores of a republic. They all were very astute in human history. The electoral college is an example of their brilliance. Have you ever seen the way the country votes? The country is RED except for a few highly populated blue states and area's. Hell California is RED except for shit holes like L.A. and the Bay Area. What I find astonishing is the willful exemption of curiosity and the lack of understanding. Anybody with a 1/2 of brain can see the incredible things POTUS has done for this country. Hell, he is on the verge of having the middle east in total harmony. POTUS is such an easy target for those who chose the BLUE pill over the RED pill. TDS is more dangerous than any virus.
Look every one be ready, even if you all don't need it, writing is in the wall, when Trump wins all hell will be released. I saw it
This is what I remember he said. I looked it up to make sure I wasn't way off. Because it is a fact, that as I get older my memory seems to be a little less reliable.



I don't know how an example of people voting on rapping a woman is a clear example to illustrate the difference between "Republic and Democracy".

No need to try so hard to explain the difference. It is written in plain English, I quote:

  • Republic: "A state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives..."[1]
  • Democracy: "A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives."[2]
When "we" the people vote at local levels, we elect "Representatives". Like the definition of Republic.

Whether it works or not is beside the point. But, It seems To me, if you live in the USA in the year 2020, you live under a system that works as a Republic at the local level and as a Democracy at the Federal Level.

Perhaps there is another USA with its own system and its own laws I don't know about.

With that said. I prefer to spend my time trying to find a place where to harvest a Deer this year. Thanks to the State of Vermont for being the first state to protect the right to Hunt because I love it!.
3 guys and 1 girl are sitting around a table. One guy says "lets rape this woman" She says no way. The guy says lets vote on it and its a 3 to 1 vote in a democracy she would get raped. But in a Republic She has an AR-15 with a 30 rnd Mag. I live in a republic not a democracy! It astonishes me to this day that people don't know the difference.
Lost me..
Too all of this --Wow ... you will never be able to engage folks with other points of view you don't agree that something is not right and things need to change and make a difference. Otherwise you will only provide fuel to further the division. In order to change the direction of a conversation and a consensus you must begin at a point where both parties can talk and engage each other otherwise in a republic with a democracy nothing will get better and may become worse. None of us wants that...
Too all of this --Wow ... you will never be able to engage folks with other points of view you don't agree that something is not right and things need to change and make a difference. Otherwise you will only provide fuel to further the division. In order to change the direction of a conversation and a consensus you must begin at a point where both parties can talk and engage each other otherwise in a republic with a democracy nothing will get better and may become worse. None of us wants that...

What is this? Logic and reason amongst grown adults? Pff, I won't have it.

I prefer to be divisive, hateful and cruel to anyone who doesn't match my own ideological, religious, social, political, whatever points of view!
You have to admit we did not see happening even 10 years ago, or even less 20 years ago, They will do any thing to over throw this republic, and every conservative, constitutionalist will be a target.
it has happened in the past. and we are seeing history repeat it self, can't stick the heads in the sand folks, if it can be restored it will be a miracle. god bless and stay safe.
Just hoping to fill my deer tags before the shit hits the fan fellas...after that..im going incognito....i have a pair of green jeans i can still fit into...I think..
What is this? Logic and reason amongst grown adults? Pff, I won't have it.

I prefer to be divisive, hateful and cruel to anyone who doesn't match my own ideological, religious, social, political, whatever points of view!
Good luck with that..