Maybe some good news for Sprig

Talking COVID is way more fun than talking hunting. We should turn this into a health advice forum. Soo much knowledge. Follow the science, right?

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You do you Steve... Some people are very easy to get mindF@cked by the news, hear-say and what they read on forums ;) . Talk to your fam, doctor & the man above and make your decision then.

Random question to ya'll... anyone know of a person that was saying it wasn't real / anti getting vaccine and has died from that China Virus?
No , I dont know anybody
I don’t understand why young people would want to get the shot, I probably have a better chance of drowning in 2 feet of water at Wister than I have of getting seriously ill from Covid. Even worse are the young people, like my manager, that get the shot and still want to wear a mask. After wearing the mask for a year you’d think he would be happy to take it off, but no, he’s too consumed by stupidity and cowardice.
Theres another moron at my job who would be ok with it if OC mandated masks like LA county apparently, he stated that his mask is clean and ready to go if they did. What a genius!
My cousin had covid and his doctors recommended he get the vaccine, so he did. It seems the antibodies are not as strong from the virus and only last about 6 months so the vccine is much better. About 63 % of the population has had the vaccine and the only people dying now are the unvaccinated.
Keep drinking the Koolaid
There are reports of people who have been vaccinated dying so to say only unvaccinated are dying is not correct. The numbers may be lower than with those who have been vaccinated but some are indeed dying.
For one day of July 20 2021 in Los Angeles County there are 1,821 new cases 5 deaths and 544 people hospitalized. Bury your head in the sand if you want.
It would be nice if those reporting the numbers did so without putting their agenda first. Dr. Brix said, if someone dies and they have covid 19, we list it as a covid death. It doesn't matter if they actually died of a heart attack or cancer or what ever. I don't buy into those who say they heard of someone who had covid 19 being killed in a car accident and their death was listed as covid 19 death or died from gunshot but also had covid 19. Bottom line is, we will never really know the true numbers, mainly because of fake news and misinformation. Oh, and greed. There is money to be made in death.
I smell b******* and more b*******

Go live your life you could die today

If you're fat, diabetic, high blood pressure and/or have asthma. Guess what you're unhealthy and you're going to die before the healthy.....less than 2% die that get it.

I quit wearing the mask months ago I got plenty of looks in the store and frankly I don't give a s*** anymore.
For one day of July 20 2021 in Los Angeles County there are 1,821 new cases 5 deaths and 544 people hospitalized. Bury your head in the sand if you want.
5 deaths, whoa!! Better start triple masking! I wonder how many people were hospitalized yesterday for all the other illnesses? I bet all the 544 hospitalizations were marathon runners and mountain climbers!
For one day of July 20 2021 in Los Angeles County there are 1,821 new cases 5 deaths and 544 people hospitalized. Bury your head in the sand if you want.
Now if you really want to frieghten yourself , google how many people died on the same in auto accidents , and then google heart disease.

So yes it's a scary world , make your own choices , but educate yourself .

Cheers, I have dogs to train.