Miracles Do Occur – Duck Hunting Returning to Perris Lake for 2022/23 season

fish dog

Well-Known Member
After a 17-year hiatus, the Lake Perris State Recreation Area will be reopening waterfowl hunting every Wednesday during the 2022/23 Southern California Zone hunting season. Duck hunting was suspended indefinitely in 2005 due to the lake being drawn down for repair work on Perris Dam. Info here...

Wow! Well I got the boat so I guess I will be in!

I can't believe it's been 17 years! I can't believe how time flies. God I'm getting old. Looking forward to this. Thanks for the heads up.
With Mystic Lake now dry, it may keep some of the birds moving from Perris...Some of the rules are kinds of weird...15HP?, 12 decoys, 40 shells?, etc.

I'm still a little confused about shoot days too...Wednesday only, I understand, but if you get drawn are you good for the whole season?...Meaning only 9 folks will be drawn?...No sweat line either...Erik?
Used to be a good place but looks like they are trying to make it as difficult as possible now either way glad we have it back
Used to hunt Perris years with my Uncle.
Seems like more than 20 years ?
Steve I agree with some weird stuff to go thru; never was that complicated! Sounds like a lot of bs to be able to hunt, quagga inspection, 12 decoys ?, the cost per Hunter after paying the drawing fees I think are a little high, access thru the park rather than the old entrance off Bernisconi ? , 9 sites, don’t remember how many there were before ?
As far as the Upland areas; are they going to be open every day ? When will it open to use ?
Few other questions I’ll let go for now !
Used to be 15 sites before first come first served pick blinds out of the bucket in order for blinds and paid the standard boat launch price.
My understanding (subject to my misinterpretation and/or misreading of the provided info). 15 HP is not a limit. That is the cut-off, so to speak, for the requirement of a CA boating card if you're 45 or under or 50 or under after Jan. 1st. Perris has nothing to do with the boating card, it's a new state scam...ah, requirement for anyone running a boat anywhere in CA. If you are older than those ages no boating card is required or if your boat has an engine smaller than 15 HP (like say an 8 HP) no boating card is required. If your boat has a 150 HP engine I assume you can use it subject to speed restrictions, I'm sure. As for the drawing you are entered for all 14 Wednesdays if you put in an application. You could draw any Wednesday or none or multiple Wednesdays. If you draw and can't go that particular Wednesday you don't pay the fees after 30 days (Sept. 5th) then the next person drawn is offered the spot. Some of the other stuff seems random but might make sense if you think about it. Like the 40-round limit, they probably don't want people putting back and forth to and from the launch ramp during hunting hours to get more shells like might happen with a 25-shell limit like SJ and other Wildlife Areas have...(maybe?). The dozen decoy limit is probably because they want the boats off the water by 1:00 PM after the 12 noon quitting time. If you have 60 decoys out you might not make it out of there by 1:00...(maybe?). Of course, as I said, this is just my understanding. If you have specific questions I'd get ahold of whoever is running the hunting program there and get it from the horse's mouth.
Amazing set of guidelines. Yes to 12 spinners. If you are old you can run the airboat. Season pass and in the lottery for the entire season. ?stop asking questions and make it happen. Remember it’s all about you and that bird!

PS. Duck Shooting out of a boat in the water takes some practice. Duck Hunting out of a boat takes some skills. Airboat should be fine. Lol. Is the guideline that you moor up to the bouy with your 12 spinners and set up in the lake to shoot out of your boat? Better know thy neighbor?