Moderna vaccine:(

There are 500,000 family’s that loose loved ones to Cigarets every year too not to mention alcoholism and drunk driving deaths which is over 100k, and don’t forget the opioid epidemic which kills 50,000 a year
And your point is that an additional 550,000+ dead from a virus that is mutating as we speak doesn’t matter and do nothing? Deaths from alcholism, cigarettes and drugs are not a virus they are self inflicted diseases.
Here are some interesting ideas that counter the popular beliefs. They are laid out well and worth watching even if you disagree. Not saying he is right or wrong, but it seriously bothers me that alternate ideas are snuffed out on social media / youtube (this video was banned on youtube for violating policies).

The ugly truth about the Covid-19 lockdowns - Nick Hudson › BizNews TV › Videos
The ugly truth about the Covid-19 lockdowns, Part 2 - Nick › BizNews TV › Videos
And your point is that an additional 550,000+ dead from a virus that is mutating as we speak doesn’t matter and do nothing? Deaths from alcholism, cigarettes and drugs are not a virus they are self inflicted diseases.
Completely agree that these are self inflicted problems and personal choices are made everyday that affect you and those around you. What’s really sad is the long term affect that lockdowns will have on people too. Rates of depression and suicide are up, future cases of cancer, heart disease, etc will also grow exponentially due to people being scared to get regular checkups. The long term affects of lockdowns won’t be felt for a decade at least and that’s not even bringing up the financial issues the lockdowns caused and the ramifications associated with that. Those aren’t always personal choices

Look, I’m certainly not some covid denier. I know that it’s a horrible issue and one that’s caused a lot of needless deaths. It’s too bad that a lot of these deaths would’ve been preventable if more people took care of themselves. We are a fat nation. We over indulge. Shit isn’t going to be pretty when you combine disease and those things.

Regarding mutations... viruses will virus. It does a virus no good to kill everyone because then the virus dies too. This is how almost all viruses work. You have some choices. Worry yourself to death over a virus that’s going to mutate over time or live your life. Whether you have major pre existing conditions or are over 55 or have no pre existing conditions and are under 55 may drive your choices. That’s YOUR choice.

Let people make their own choices in life. Hopefully more people choose to take better care of themselves and live their lives to the fullest. Go apply for that dream hunt. Go ask the hot chick out. Go do whatever the hell you want, just don’t tell me what to do.
And your point is that an additional 550,000+ dead from a virus that is mutating as we speak doesn’t matter and do nothing? Deaths from alcholism, cigarettes and drugs are not a virus they are self inflicted diseases.

When you leave your house and contract covid-19, thats self induced... you left your house which allowed you to contract the virus. Stay in your house. don’t leave it’s your choice, Vaccinate if you want.

People that look at me or others that don’t want/need the vaccine as the problem and are the reason we are still in this mess can pound sand. The way I see it, the scared people don’t trust the science. We get fed “trust the science all day long during election years and hurricane season, so why not trust the science” when it comes to covid. If your low risk, no need for the vaccine and hate to break it to you but low risk means low risk.

I’m not worried about covid. If it gets me then it gets me.
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I got both last one on March 3 had no issues with it arm was a little sore the next day after the second shot but that was it
I really hate conversations like this people get their feelings hurt, but come on folks, after what happened with Trump, voting fraud, cases thrown out of supreme court. main steam media fake news, kicking out propaganda, an illegal fraud president. a republics no more. guys like me were casted as conspiracy theorist , which was caste on whistle blowers to discredit them. 30 years ago who would of thought that all of this would happen. now you trust a government and big pharma with your lives. Jesus is this why I get to be a hermit on my mountain.
and that is why there is so much dis-information out there , it's hard to vet any information any more. my two cents. if we can't talk about it, if any one disagrees with statement vet it and show actual proof, and don't let emotions take over. lets have civil discussion.
totally agree with you Doc. however the big pharma almost went out of business because of lawsuits, until the government stepped in to protect them. lawsuits from side effects. are they safer?
my wife had a bad reaction (RIP) from a vaccine and it gave Gillian Barr Syndrome (GBS) as al little girl. very little was know about it and not much to date. I am sure you heard of it. ultimately caused her death. here is a link , pick a drug or vaccine and google lawsuits there are a ton of them.