Mr. Bucky Down....

YA - Steep going in, steep hunting, steep extraction and steep heading out! Thank goodness for trekking poles!
kingwouldbe said:
John, I see you was hunting the flat-ground in So.Cal.........
Strong work, boom flop.

Just another stroll in the park David...I love the flop part!
Re: Buck Down....

NBK said:
Thanks for all of the kind words. SCH is such a cool place to share the excitement of the hunt!

Just got home. The buck was shot at about 7:00 AM this morning. We had climbed the mountain (1 hour and 15 minutes straight up) and as we topped out we began to see deer immediately. We checked a few benches and 2 does popped up. We watched them for a few minutes and let them work out of sight.

We continued in route and we spot what we think is a buck and doe, up high. We start working our way toward the pair of deer and check another bench as we ascend. A doe and then Mr. Bucky appears. Miss doe starts her way up the opposite side of the canyon and Mr. Bucky thinks he will just head down the drainage and out of sight. Well he was out of sight for a while but he popped out at about 203 yards away, ready to crest the hill. We laid the packs down, let out a loud whistle and Mr. Bucky makes his fatal and last decision to stop. At that moment, I let the .260 release it's 95 grain Monolithic Munitions lightning bolt - BAM! Mr. Bucky never knew what hit him. It all happened very fast.

Although the buck was 3/4 of the way down in a steep ravine, it just didn't matter. Fall Guy and I laughed and smiled all the way out of that canyon and back to the truck 3+ miles away.

All in all we saw 3 does and 3 bucks...It could not have been a more exciting and fun morning. I am feeling blessed!

A couple more pictures -

Congrats on the beautiful deer..

how much would u say he actually weight? (an estimate)
I been seeing that most southern cali bucks seem a bit under nourish cause of this damn drought..?