New to hunting from San Diego


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2019

I'm 29 and completely new to hunting. I realized taking up the sport wasn't just going to happen without some effort, so I took a Hunter's Safety Course and have been actively going outdoors and learning (hiking and learning backpacking skills) in order to make hunting a reality this year. I hope to gain knowledge from people here, and maybe even find hunting partners. The "hunter's etiquette" sticky here was great information, stuff that wasn't in the books I've read.

I went to the last Turkey Tune-Up and won a permit to hunt Lake Sutherland next week, so that will be my first voyage in hunting. After that's over, I plan to scout extensively and get familiar with the public land in the region, probably with an eye towards upland game and waterfowl.

Looking forward to participating in this forum!

Yes I picked the Corral, I think I was way ahead of myself for choosing an early date! My partner is also new, so hopefully we'll get a bird. I'm sure we'll have a good time. :)

Now to get back to practicing my calls..
Zak, you are in a prime spot and you both have the first timers luck on your side........
Nuff said!

Good luck and post your hunt experience.
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We had a great time, we arrived at the Corral and set up on a tree near the water around 6AM in anticipation of turkeys coming to get a drink. I wasn't seated for one minute before I saw a turkey through the trees at around 60 yards. It was just standing there without moving, so I just watched to see if it would come in our direction. It started walking towards our truck with a second turkey, then away from us towards Camp Hope. The distance seemed too far for my shotgun, and I just watched helplessly as they disappeared from view. I took out my slate call and produced a yelp to see if they'd come back, but it elicited a gobble and they just continued on.

I stayed in the same spot and adhered to the advice of calling sparingly, but there were no signs of turkeys for 2-3 hours. I relocated deeper into the Corral, looking for spots that would give me a wide view and an easy approach for any turkeys. Some more infrequent calling and patient waiting didn't result in anything, so we returned to the truck for lunch and kept thinking about those two birds at daybreak that were out of reach.

We went back into the Corral to find a new place to set up, when the best opportunity of the day presented itself. A tom suddenly flew down from a tree and landed 15 yards from us. Like an idiot, I audibly reacted with an "Oh s---!" and brought my shotgun around to its head. I had it in my sights, but I hesitated. I was being overly cautious that the turkey was legal by having a beard, but that moment of hesitation was enough for the turkey to speed off and I never saw it again. I set up at that spot hoping for the turkey to come back, but I clearly missed my opportunity.

When I related all this to the lake manager afterwards, he seemed to be saying that I could've taken the shot because it was clearly a tom since it had a red head. My understanding was that the turkey needed a beard, and that the red head was irrelevant. In any case, I also never thought to ask what the penalty is for accidentally shooting a turkey that ended up not having a beard, since knowing whether the penalty was light or harsh would've helped me decide whether to pull the trigger. It's all "what-if" conjecture at this point, but I will definitely be kicking myself for a long time!

As for the rest of the day, we just set up at a couple of more spots, but there wasn't any more signs of turkeys. We walked around the Corral as our time was coming to an end, figuring we might as well check out the place while we were there, but probably also hoping that another tom would drop in like last time.

In any event, I'm not discouraged at all and in fact I'm excited to get back out there and get a successful hunt under my belt. I will also definitely be attending future Turkey Tune-Ups since it was really fun. If someone with experience has any comments about where I screwed up or did well, I would greatly appreciate it!
you were right, we are shooting BEARDS. head OR color DOESN'T matter if it doesn't have a beard. Sounds like you had a great time. CONGRATS
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You did the right thing....Like Mark said, you're hunting beards.

ps....Wish I had a nickel every time somebody said, "they walked right past our truck"
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Me to stevo..they definitely dont run from the truck..but step out and BLAMMO..they bookin!!..LOL..
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Great hunt let alone your first ever....and you did the right thing on being cautious.

I told you, you HAD beginners luck!

Next time
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