Newbie in OC


Hi all,

Born and raised in OC. Lived in Montana, New Mexico and Connecticut but now am back in Cali for the long haul. Just got into hunting about 2 years ago. Been boar, fall turkey & deer hunting in Cali. and white-tail in Connecticut.

Successful hunts on the boar, turkey and Cali deer. The boar hunt was guided and there wasn't much hunting. No scouting, no tracking, nothing.. just driving around in his 4 wheel for about 4 hrs probably 50 miles until we came across some. I don't count that as hunting anymore (as I'm sure most of you don't either).

My fall turkey and 2 deer hunting experiences were actually hunting. And it was a blast!

Gearing up for spring turkey now and this forum has helped me prep a little for it. So thank you all for that.

I'm going to ask a couple extra gear questions in another forum, if anyone would like to participate, thanks in advance, if not oh well live and learn.

Welcome Jason. The OC is becoming well represented here. Too bad we mostly have to leave our county to hunt lol.

Welcome to the form sounds like you had better luck than I did as far getting a deer but I did enjoy the hunts as getting one is a bonus. Lots of info here and people willing to share.

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Hi all,

Born and raised in OC. Lived in Montana, New Mexico and Connecticut but now am back in Cali for the long haul. Just got into hunting about 2 years ago. Been boar, fall turkey & deer hunting in Cali. and white-tail in Connecticut.

Successful hunts on the boar, turkey and Cali deer. The boar hunt was guided and there wasn't much hunting. No scouting, no tracking, nothing.. just driving around in his 4 wheel for about 4 hrs probably 50 miles until we came across some. I don't count that as hunting anymore (as I'm sure most of you don't either).

My fall turkey and 2 deer hunting experiences were actually hunting. And it was a blast!

Gearing up for spring turkey now and this forum has helped me prep a little for it. So thank you all for that.

I'm going to ask a couple extra gear questions in another forum, if anyone would like to participate, thanks in advance, if not oh well live and learn.


Welcome Jason!

I’m with you and the motorized hunting. If I’m not stalking, it doesn’t feel like hunting!

I’m in Anaheim if you want to connect.

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