One reason I buy Sitka


Well-Known Member
Besides the function & comfort...... their warranty!

Called them up told them what I had, 2 weeks later I had my Accent pants hole repaired and a new pair of timberline pants. Knee pads, suspenders and belt.......both of these pants I've had for over 12 yrs, first repair needed on either.

Pay once cry once!
Side hilling when the trail slid out from under me. My ass hit rocks and sticks on the way down.

Surprised my ass was still there....
I wear Sitka and Kuiu (and Orvis) clothing for the material and layering capabilities: to keep as constant a body temp as possible working hard and then sitting down in the field; and if I sweat, to have it wick away and dry without chilling or chafing me. The patterns are fine, but for me it’s all about the material type and quality. Dickies are great around town and in the yard, but I haven’t worn cotton in the field for over 40 years. But I agree with truduct: if I could get these materials made in USA I’d pay (even more of) a premium for it. 2 cents.
wish ii had marks money...Sitka would be just the beginning to hunting wardrobe.
I wish I had Mark’s sense: I tore my Sitka pants a couple years ago, and just repaired them myself. Now I realize I could have gotten them repaired for free AND got another pair free! Who knew? (Forehead slap)
Thanks Matt....Nothing better than being out with the off spring..... :blush:

ps...Now, Stefanie does like all that fancy huntin' gear....:joy: