Pack Reccomendation

Which Pack?

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I am looking at two mystery ranch packs that are for sale and have been barely used. So I am debating between the Selway (3800 in^3) on the new guide lite frame and the Marshall (6400 in^3) with the previous frame. I am hoping for some insight based on my typical hunt.

I bow hunt local southern California the most, so cold in the mornings and hot as heck mid day. Not to mention extremely steep terrain typically.
I don't have a bunch of super light weight gear as I would rather carry a bit more to save money for now.
Most often I do 1-2 night trips as I work Mon-Fri.
I am most often solo.
I will be doing mountain elk/mule deer within 5 years
I will likely do a fly in Caribou hunt within 3 years.

My biggest concern is that the Selway will suffer on volume. Then I thought to get a lid, but that negates the $100 difference between the two packs and the Marshall has more organization in general. I don't have enough experience on my own to really feel confident and I would greatly appreciate any critical questioning and opinions ya'll can offer.


P.S. The Selway is listed at $350 and Marshall at $450

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I have no experience with mystery ranch but here is my .02
With my EXO 3500 pack I am able to do 5 day backpacking trips. 6400 is huge! You would need that for extended 10+ day hunts. I am running a 4900 on my 7 day ID trip this year and there will be room to spare. Go with the smaller pack.
MR packs will shrink down to a good size when not fully stuffed. The added compartments are a plus
Marshall is my vote 2lbs and twice the room...... better to have it and not need it then need it 5 miles in with an elk on the ground.
Don’t want to muddy the waters but I have the MR Metcalf (4333 cu-in) and have used it for multiple 1-2 night trips with plenty of room to spare. It’s on sale right now for $400 ( Allows you to split the cost and the size...
Buy them both...

Day packs are awesome for local hunting. The bigger packs obviously make sense when hauling more gear. Both pack sill haul out the same amount of meat.
Eberlestock F1 mainframe ...”transformer Pack” or “Little Big Top”.

Can’t go wrong with MR, they make great packs
I run Eberlestock but Kuiu and Mystery ranch are good stuff. My step son is air force eod and they run mystery ranch. Checked his stuff out when he was here last and it looks good. BTW his night vision gear which he let me try was amazing it turns pitch black into daylight. I feel good when our tax dollars get spent that way to keep our first responders better prepared than the opposition.
When I hunt I want Fast light simple. If it’s not needed I don’t bring it. I hunt and backpack a lot cannot think of a time when I would need a pack that large. Lbs are exponential on your body. My goal for my 7 day hunt this year is all in 45lbs that’s water, food, weapon, optics everything! I have will probably end up somewhere between 45 and 50. Once you get over 30lbs you can feel every lb you add especially gaining elevation. Throw out what you don’t need keep it simple. Go with the small pack. Bush wacking SoCal with giant pack won’t be fun.

Gear is great but if it’s not needed don’t bring it. Always tweak your kit. If it’s not getting used reconsider it.

I wouldn’t make this decision based not on what I possibly will Hunt three years from now but on what you will be doing 95% of the time.

Go in light, come out heavy!
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When I hunt I want Fast light simple. If it’s not needed I don’t bring it. I hunt and backpack a lot cannot think of a time when I would need a pack that large. Lbs are exponential on your body. My goal for my 7 day hunt this year is all in 45lbs that’s water, food, weapon, optics everything! I have will probably end up somewhere between 45 and 50. Once you get over 30lbs you can feel every lb you add especially gaining elevation. Throw out what you don’t need keep it simple. Go with the small pack. Bush wacking SoCal with giant pack won’t be fun.

Gear is great but if it’s not needed don’t bring it. Always tweak your kit. If it’s not getting used reconsider it.

I wouldn’t make this decision based not on what I possibly will Hunt three years from now but on what you will be doing 95% of the time.

Go in light, come out heavy!
very well said
I like the Exo K3, probably shouldn't have watched the video. It's going to be an expensive summer preparing for fall.....
EXO, Kifaru, and Stone Glacier are made in USA. I watched my EXO pack tumble a few hundred yards down a rocky cliff last year. The thing is pretty bullet proof. Love that pack.