Peter rabbit got got


Active Member
We went out this morning, and got our first rabbit!

It has been a while in coming, but very exciting.

I have two very happy boys, and the only problem is I can't wake up at 3:45a every weekend day.

We have some family stuff for the next couple of weekends, but we will be going back out mid-August.

So. Much. Fun.415 - 1.png415 - 2.png
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@TonyS We slow cooked the rabbit and then fried it and served with curry, so similar to ton katsu, but with rabbit. We thought it was pretty good! Both of my boys enjoyed it. The plan it to get more rabbits and frying them like chicken wings with fries. Also, could be good in stew. There is nothing like biting down and finding a steel pellet to let you know it didn't come the grocery store. Pride, it seems, adds flavor.
Right on!! When I used to live in the high desert, them things were everywhere. I couldn’t go anywhere without running one or two over before I hit the paved road.