pig hunt unsuccessful..or was it?


Well-Known Member
After all the rain and still cool weather i thought the pigs might be out and about.
We carry all overnight gear 3miles .
The area is covered with tall green grass, beatiful open field spots to glass and water everywhere...
What we didnt know was that there was some work being done around the area...the forrest guy i talked prior to the trip made no mention of it...that would have helped.
Very few signs of pigs...clearly the pigs had moved out of the area.
Because i made my partner reluctantly follow me for miles, we were rewarded with sightings of game.
Where is the Elk tag when you need it?
We spoted a bunch of deer and these guys behind me who as long as i would not face them they would just chill.

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thats great...you seem to find them no problem....any tips you feel sharing send me a pm.