Practice practice practice!

Brian marable

Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2017
I’ve heard of multiple deer in San Diego walking around with arrows in them! Poor lil guy. Praying I don’t experience anything like this anytime soon6CB46282-AABE-4C62-AF54-3C4CE515B345.jpeg
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Don’t wear antlers during bow season, and you should be good
Mistakes and accidents happen. But there are a number of inept and unethical hunters out there and their actions reflect badly on all of us. Not being proficient in hitting your target or shooting without a clear sight is inept. Intentionally taking a long shot where chances of a clean kill are slim or taking shots you know have little chance of success is unethical. I have wounded deer and pig before but fortunately I was able to track them and dispatch them. When I taught hunter safety I use to harp on hunting ethics and honing hunting skills. I will never know but I hope I had some positive affect that the people in my classes carried with them.
Seeing multiple deer with arrows sticking in them tells me there are a number of hunters poorly trained, inept, ignorant, or unethical out there.
I don't like that phrase "shit happens" or "that's hunting"... too easy to say that. Not good for anyone to say that or have that attitude. Easy is buying a bow, slapping a slider sight on it and calling it good to 120. Hard is buying a bow, slapping a sight on it and only taking an ethical shot within your limits for the circumstances. Todays culture wants easy... which is not always best. Ed F
I don't like that phrase "shit happens" or "that's hunting"... too easy to say that. Not good for anyone to say that or have that attitude. Easy is buying a bow, slapping a slider sight on it and calling it good to 120. Hard is buying a bow, slapping a sight on it and only taking an ethical shot within your limits for the circumstances. Todays culture wants easy... which is not always best. Ed F

a lot can happen in the time it takes for an arrow to travel 60 yards. Seems like more and more 60 is the new 30. I have heard of a few deer being shot over 100 in the last couple years that’s crazy.
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The original post states 8 deer have been spotted in a specific area with arrows in them. That’s only the ones seen, you know there must be many more out there not spotted. That’s too many to say it’s just shit happens, bad shot, or that’s hunting. That is at least in part due to unethical hunters, poorly trained and prepared hunters, ignorant hunters, taking long shots they have no business taking and little chance of making a clean kill hunters, slob hunters and on and on. Take your pick. That is a complete waste of game since they will likely die from some complications of the imbedded arrow. Plus these animals will suffer and that is something all of us ethical hunters should try our utmost to avoid. In a way this is a form of wanton waste. I’m surprised people aren’t more upset about this. These crap hunters are affecting the amount of game available to all of us hunters.
I know stuff happens when hunting. I have wounded game, it’s been damn rare but it’s happened. I’ve been fortunate and been able to recover every big game animal I wounded with the exception of one. I’ve been hunting over 50 years, not a bad record.
@WaterDog There are 3000 D16 tags and 1000 A22 tags along with how ever many AO tags that are hunted in San Diego. If over a thousand people took one shot at a paper plate at 20 yards how many do you think would miss?
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I guess the term I used "$hit happens" was a little casual about something that I'm pretty passionate about...Ethical shots...When guys tell me they can kill 'em at a 100 yards (bow), I kind of roll my eyes...Yes, you probably can, but how many end up like that guy.

ps...The turkeys I've seen with arrows, all had target arrows in them...These aren't hunters...Probably kids or someone that doesn't have a clue.
@WaterDog There are 3000 D16 tags and 1000 A22 tags along with how ever many AO tags that are hunted in San Diego. If over a thousand people took one shot at a paper plate at 20 yards how many do you think would miss?
I understand what you are saying but if a person can’t hit a paper plate at 20 yards they shouldn’t be shooting at deer 20 or more yards away. The kill zone is about the size of a paper plate, perhaps a little larger. If ya can’t hit the kill zone at what ever distance , don’t take the shot.
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I guess the term I used "$hit happens" was a little casual about something that I'm pretty passionate about...Ethical shots...When guys tell me they can kill 'em at a 100 yards (bow), I kind of roll my eyes...Yes, you probably can, but how many end up like that guy.

ps...The turkeys I've seen with arrows, all had target arrows in them...These aren't hunters...Probably kids or someone that doesn't have a clue.
Amen. Same here.. I'm not advocating for being cavalier about shooting game willy nilly. Sticking and not finding a deer, turkey, or even crippling a duck kills me. But bad shots ($hit) can happen.. train harder so it doesn't but hey..
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I don't like that phrase "shit happens" or "that's hunting"... too easy to say that. Not good for anyone to say that or have that attitude. Easy is buying a bow, slapping a slider sight on it and calling it good to 120. Hard is buying a bow, slapping a sight on it and only taking an ethical shot within your limits for the circumstances. Todays culture wants easy... which is not always best. Ed F
I agree with you 100% Ed.
Camp Pendleton is implementing a control next year. In order to hunt deer with a bow you must hit a paper plate at 30yds two out of three times. While I think it should be 3/3, it is a start.

So..... they're good with a 33% loss @ 30. Most mule deer shots are past 30... IMO, the test should determine the individuals effective range (100% in the pie plate) and limit them to that, period.

The truth about "shit happens" is that other circumstances come into play with the individuals effective range. If you drill a static target all day long at 80... throw in a little wind, buck fever, awkward position, nervous animal, heavy clothes, target panic.... your effective range goes down to 30, or maybe even zero. But, quite a few guys will take that 80 yard shot... and say " yeah, but I practice at that range" thus there's an arrow in a deers ass for everyone to see. Ed F
So..... they're good with a 33% loss @ 30. Most mule deer shots are past 30... IMO, the test should determine the individuals effective range (100% in the pie plate) and limit them to that, period.

The truth about "shit happens" is that other circumstances come into play with the individuals effective range. If you drill a static target all day long at 80... throw in a little wind, buck fever, awkward position, nervous animal, heavy clothes, target panic.... your effective range goes down to 30, or maybe even zero. But, quite a few guys will take that 80 yard shot... and say " yeah, but I practice at that range" thus there's an arrow in a deers ass for everyone to see. Ed F
Guess so, but better than nothing. Since it’s one of the only places that can control some kind of licensing based off of proficiency, it’s a start.
I may petition it to go to all 3 in pie plate at 30.
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