safe to eat?


New Member
During this time of year, is it safe to consume cottontail, or dove? Just bought a new airfryer and want to try it out. Hoping we dont have to wait too long if at all!
September 1st thru September 15th is the BEST time of year to it dove. The 2nd best time to eat dove is November 14th thru December 28th.
As far as cottontail, I think your ok (assuming the meat looks good) but I'll let others chime in.
Check the rabbits liver for white spots..if no spots then it should be safe from tularemia. Post pics when you air fry those bad boys!!
Wouldn't eating a "Chimp Monk" be somewhat cannibalistic?...... :joy:
Its funny cause he ate anything.
It used to piss him off cause chimpmonks kept getting in his tack shed and chewed up leather saddles.that was his way of gettin back at
He ate lizards and all kinds of crap.he bit the head off a lizard rt in front of me.
He was a classic