Salton Sea Litium on CBS 60 min

Thanks Rick.

I agree with Trig. It may be good for the local economy & you can tell by everything that is being reported that this is the spin they are taking on it. But I think it's just going to open the door to more geothermal/lithium plants wherever they want to put them. Very little mention about what affects it has on the surrounding habitat. I had to listen to that damn thing all season. It's like a constant jet engine running.

Nothing but dollar signs in the eyes of those who were interviewed.
Why are the greenies not involved in this. This is an ecological disaster. Not only is it highly toxic to mine this stuff but there in never a mention about what is done with all these batteries after there life is over and it is not just car batteries. Almost every electronic the consumer uses today has a lithium battery in it
Looked like the Audubon guy said they think this can all be done with ‘balance’ to wildlife. Then proceeds to talk about jobs for their community. He ‘converted’ because money talked, and I pray for Wister…. The wildlife .

Anything to get the lithium for car batteries.
From the presentation we can assume a new plant at the mud pots and the Australian guys look to be moving a bit north to noffsinger road. That's what hard growth facts I could get from the show. My understanding is they are already bringing in cheap labor, niland to expand a lot and up to 5 more plants are planned and soon.
This is not the first time such grandiose plans have been made in this area only to fail. New battery technology is coming. The conditions out there are brutal. The cities do not have the best of things like schools, shopping or hospitals. Tough sell to move tons of people out there to do this work. Time will tell.