They actually received new tractors & mower this year. The state had some extra budget $
That's great...Manpower is important as well...It's not easy working at Wister (I've done it, paid & unpaid)...The water needs to be taken off the fields quickly to start the drying out period...I certainly hope they don't start mowing tules...It does nothing, but enhance tule growth...Places like 413 need to be burnt, DEEP disced, and scraped...It's a bitch to walk in, but only way to get back to open water.
The other thing they can do is, open the cross roads up and clear the area around hunt sites (50-100 yds in circumference)...It would save a lot of money, man hours, and would need less equipment.
Spring flooding (irrigating) used to be a common practice as well...Now, with so many fields getting choked out...I'm not sure it has much value.
312 in 2014 and T's in 2015